Rockstar: Bryan Adams goes easy on voice with family breaks

rock star
Bryan Adams spares voice with family breaks

Canadian singer Bryan Adams is back. Photo: Jens Kalaene/zb/dpa

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Even a smoky voice needs to be cared for. The Canadian musician talks about this in an interview – and how he does it.

The Canadian singer Bryan Adams (62) maintains his trademark, the rough voice, through regular breaks with his family. “As a rule, I work two weeks, then I spend two weeks at home with the children,” said the Canadian rock star of the Swiss newspaper “Blick”.

Adams lives in London. “I’ve had this routine for many years, it’s good for my balance. And also good for the voice. I don’t overstrain them with them.” Adams’ biggest hit was “(Everything I Do) I Do It For You” in 1991. He regrets that he didn’t write more songs during that time. His album “So Happy It Hurts” will be released in March. “This older gentleman is going full throttle,” Adams said. He is currently on tour and is playing in Switzerland, Austria and Germany, among other places.


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