Robotic lawnmowers during thunderstorms – this is what to do in that case!

When a storm approaches, many garden owners often don’t think about getting their robotic lawnmower to safety. Unfortunately, this can end badly for the little helper.

Robotic lawnmowers carry out unpleasant garden tasks such as mowing and trimming the lawn. The smart garden helpers are often on the go all day – even when a thunderstorm approaches. Whether this is a good idea and what to do if a storm hits: We have put together some information and tips for dealing with robotic lawnmowers in thunderstorms, heavy rain and hail.

A thunderstorm is coming

Thunderstorms are often accompanied by strong winds, rain and lightning. Torrential heavy rain, hurricane force winds – anything is possible. However, different thunderstorm phenomena have different influences on the robotic lawnmower.


Robotic lawnmowers are usually made of conductive materials. Perimeter wire and guide cables are often also installed. All of this conducts electricity particularly well and can actually attract lightning. A lightning strike can cause the charging station or the electronics in the robotic lawnmower to be damaged. In the worst case, the robot can burst into flames. That’s why it’s extremely important to remove robotic lawnmowers from the garden when a lightning storm is approaching.

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Rain and storm

However, if there is a light rain shower, it is not necessary to take the robotic lawnmower out of operation. Models with the latest technology in particular are not affected by a little rain and can continue to work as normal. However, users should briefly inspect the underside of the robotic lawnmower after rain, as this is where sticky grass and soil often collect, which can limit the robot’s functionality when it dries. However, the whole thing can be easily removed with a little water from the garden hose.

Modern robotic lawnmowers usually have a durable housing so that moisture and humidity cannot damage the electronics so quickly. But things are very different in heavy rain – these little helpers are not completely waterproof. So if heavy rain falls over a longer period of time, it is not ideal for the robotic lawnmower. If a storm also occurs, the robotic lawnmower’s sensors often no longer work properly. In this case, the device should be put into sleep mode or even taken out of the garden and into a dry place.

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Even in the event of hail, robotic lawnmower owners should store their machines in dry conditions. Large hailstones in particular can cause damage to the sensors or the housing. Problems that can occur with hail:

  • Dents and cracks in the housing ensure that during the next rain shower, moisture can penetrate the inside of the robot and attack the electronics.
  • Damage to the blades or motor can occur if the robotic lawnmower drives over hailstones on the lawn.

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Protect robotic lawnmowers during thunderstorms

Robotic lawnmowers are often expensive to purchase, so they should be protected as best as possible and last a long time. There are a few things that users can keep in mind to ensure that the garden helpers function for a long time:

  • Rain sensors: There are robotic lawnmowers that are equipped with rain sensors. If it starts to rain, they automatically return to their charging station and wait there for better weather conditions.
  • Garage for the robotic lawnmower: There are extra garages that offer the small devices additional protection in unpleasant weather conditions. This means that robotic lawnmowers are not only protected from rain, hail and lightning, but also from direct sunlight.

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  • Weather forecast: Robotic lawnmower owners should always keep an eye on the weather forecasts. Warnings of thunderstorms or heavy rain should be heeded and electrical devices brought to safety in good time.

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Watch out for lightning, heavy rain and hail

In the event of a small shower or light rain, the robotic lawnmower can carry out its tasks as usual without being damaged. It should just be cleaned properly afterwards so that wet grass residues do not impair its function. In the event of severe weather such as heavy rain, hurricane-force winds or lightning and hail, the robotic lawnmower should be brought to a dry and sheltered location so that the housing and, above all, the internal electronics do not suffer damage and put the expensive device out of action.

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