Robert Ménard asks Zemmour and Le Pen to unite

Robert Ménard continues to do everything to calm the rivalry between Eric Zemmour and Marine Le Pen for the presidential election. The mayor of Béziers, who had invited the polemicist, implored him, as well as the leader of the National Rally, to “meet again next February” to unite before the election.

“To unite the rights is to be able to put France before the ego of each other,” pleaded Robert Ménard in front of 1,200 people gathered in a room in Béziers to see Eric Zemmour. “I will ask, I will wish, I will implore, that you two, you and Marine, Marine and you, to meet again next February, everyone knows that it is at this moment that things crystallize”. Robert Ménard, who had already promised to support Marine Le Pen in 2022, asked that this February deadline “whoever will be behind the other agrees to withdraw”.

Zemmour recalls that “we are not yet in February”

After his intervention, Eric Zemmour, whose candidacy for the presidential election is still hypothetical, thanked Robert Ménard for his “wise advice”. “But we are in October, we are not yet in February,” he added. “I have a little trouble withdrawing when I haven’t introduced myself yet.” “This is not my subject. My subject is defending my ideas and being heard by as many people as possible. I am not in a partisan logic. The presidential election by universal suffrage is not an election to be Prime Minister, ”he then developed in front of a group of journalists who questioned him about the appeal made to him by Robert Ménard.

“When I say Marine Le Pen will never win, I’m saying what everyone knows (…) Before I was taken into account by the polls, we had a very high Marine Le Pen but unable to win the second round and we had a right-wing candidate unable to reach the second round because Marine Le Pen was too high. And Mr. Macron was quietly waiting for his second round (…) and he was going to win. This is what my presence has upset, ”he added, without wanting to say whether or not he will be a candidate.

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