Robert Koch Institute: Kubicki calls for RKI boss Wieler to be fired

Robert Koch Institute
Kubicki calls for RKI boss Wieler to be fired

Wolfgang Kubicki sees a new start in terms of personnel at the RKI as necessary. Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa

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FDP Vice Kubicki calls on Minister of Health Lauterbach to fire RKI President Wieler. According to Kubicki, a “new start in terms of personnel” is necessary at the RKI.

Deputy FDP chairman Wolfgang Kubicki has asked Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) to fire the President of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), Lothar Wieler. The “data chaos” that the FDP has denounced in connection with the corona pandemic is “officially clearly named” in the report of the Council of Experts for the assessment of the corona measures, says Kubicki of the “Welt am Sonntag”.

A “new start in terms of personnel” is necessary at the RKI, and the institute must become more independent of the Ministry of Health, said the Bundestag Vice President.

Against von Goering-Eckardt

He was immediately contradicted by his Green colleague Katrin Göring-Eckardt. She sent an obviously older comment of hers again on Twitter, with the addition “Applicable then and applies today: #Thank you Wieler”. In the original message, she wrote: “Lothar #Wieler has done an incredible amount during the pandemic. His expertise, professionalism, and steadfastness in the face of attacks from enemies of science deserve respect.”

The expert commission of the Bundestag and the federal government had previously submitted an evaluation report on the corona protection measures. Many measures were justified at the beginning, but lost their effectiveness over time. The effects and side effects of individual previous measures can hardly be assessed on their own.


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