RKI weekly report: Omikron proven in all federal states

Status: 12/24/2021 02:16 a.m.

Omikron is also slowly spreading in Germany. The variant has not yet gained the upper hand, but that is only a matter of time. The tracing of contacts in the health authorities has largely been discontinued.

The Omikron variant has meanwhile arrived in all federal states. Even if the majority of infections are still caused by the delta variant of the coronavirus, the number of detected omicron cases has increased significantly in recent weeks, writes the Robert Koch Institute in its weekly report.

By December 21, 441 Omicron infections confirmed by genome sequencing had been transmitted. According to a specific PCR test, it is suspected in 1438 cases. In Germany, however, only a small part of the positive samples are tested for Omikron.

Mostly lighter course of the disease

“Previous reporting data on symptoms indicate a rather mild course in infected people with a full vaccination or booster vaccination,” writes the RKI. According to the RKI, information on the symptoms was provided for a total of more than 1200 cases. Mostly none or mild symptoms were mentioned, the most common colds, coughs and sore throats.

So far, according to the RKI weekly report, 28 Covid sufferers, in whom Omikron has been detected, have come to the hospital, and one person has demonstrably died.

There is still a threat of overloading the health system

However, experts have always emphasized that with the expected high number of infected people in the course of the rapid spread of the omicron variant, a large number of people will become more seriously ill at the same time and have to be treated in hospital.

RKI boss Lothar Wieler warned on Wednesday of an overload of the health system and impairment of critical supply structures if the Omikron wave could not be slowed down with strict measures. “The trend is crystal clear: with a doubling time of around three days, the new variant could already account for the majority of all cases of infection in our country in the next one, two or three weeks at the latest.”

Civil protection gives the all-clear for critical infrastructure

However, the Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Aid in Bonn does not expect critical infrastructures such as electricity, water or food supplies to be endangered in view of the expected wave of Omikron infections. “We have mastered four waves, which were already massive, without restrictions – with the exception of the intensive care units,” said a spokesman for the newspapers of the editorial network in Germany.

That is because “those responsible are prepared for something like this because there are plans”. The companies were therefore prepared. The BBK spokesman added: “A fifth wave could lead to restrictions, but not to a collapse.” There is “no reason to believe”. There are reserves. “We are not at the end of our Latin.” In any case, it will probably take until the beginning of the year for the Omikron variant to take full effect in Germany, the spokesman emphasized.

1G coming soon?

In an interview with the “Süddeutsche Zeitung”, the virologist Christian Drosten said in response to the question of whether a lockdown was needed in Germany, it was necessary to wait and see “whether and how the measures that are now in force and that have been followed up again will work”. If the contact restrictions do not work as hoped, one could, in Drosten’s view, consider restrictions to which only people who have already been boosted have access – what he referred to as “1G”.

Twice vaccinated people are protected from severe courses even with Omikron, “but practically not against infection,” said the virologist at the Berlin Charité. Virus transmission in the event of infection is also hardly reduced. “But those who have recently been boosted are less likely to contribute to the spread of the disease and are noticeably protected against the disease. At Delta, 2G and 3G may be enough, but now Omikron is writing the rules.”

On a new overview page, the RKI stated on Thursday the number of reliably proven and probable Omikron cases in Germany as 3198 (data status December 22nd). Compared to the previous day, 810 records were added – they relate to cases since the end of November. Most of the evidence therefore comes from this and last week.

Contact tracing in health departments largely discontinued

A large part of the health authorities in Germany has meanwhile stopped tracking and quarantining people infected with corona. “At the moment there is almost no nationwide follow-up any more,” said the federal chairwoman of the doctors of the public health service, Ute Teichert, the newspapers of the editorial network Germany. “Several countries have even completely suspended the search for contact persons, for example Baden-Württemberg, Berlin and Hamburg.”

It is assumed there that people would inform themselves what to do in the event of a positive test result or risk contact. “The question is whether everyone is doing that,” said Teichert. “Because of the many people who tested positive and the increase in incidences, the focus is now on recording and reporting the numerous corona cases first.”

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