RKI figures: 12,626 new infections and 21 deaths

As of: 08/26/2021 7:31 a.m.

The RKI reports 12,626 new corona infections and 21 corona deaths in the past 24 hours. Intensive care physicians warn against orienting oneself solely on the occupancy of the hospitals.

The Robert Koch Institute has recorded 12,626 new corona infections and 21 corona deaths in the past 24 hours. A week ago, 8,400 new cases and 22 deaths were reported.

According to the RKI, the total number of corona infections recorded in Germany since the beginning of the pandemic increased to 3,901,799, and the number of deaths to a total of 92,082. According to the RKI, Germany is at the beginning of the fourth corona wave. Younger age groups are also badly affected this time.

Intensive care physician for triad

The previous value of 50 for the seven-day incidence, which is still mentioned in the Infection Protection Act as a threshold for stricter measures, is to be deleted according to plans by the federal government. In the future, the number of hospital admissions will be decisive. Experts have criticized this again. “We are back in the exponential growth of infections and serious illnesses. More and more young people end up in hospital because they have not been vaccinated or have not taken it seriously enough so far,” said the President of the German Society for Internal Intensive Care Medicine and emergency medicine, Christian Karagiannidis, the “Rheinische Post”.

“The signal that emanates from the deletion of the incidence value 50 is critical. Of course, the meaning has changed, but we should by no means give up the incidence value. A triad of incidences, hospital cases and intensive care bed occupancy is important.”

“There is no such thing as the formula for happiness”

“Just as we have been saying for weeks that the incidence cannot be the only indicator, this also applies to hospitalization,” said the head of the German Hospital Society, Gerald Gaß, of the editorial network in Germany. It is necessary to qualitatively consider various indicators side by side in order to get a real picture of the infection and danger situation in the health care system. In addition to the incidence and hospitalization, for example, the vaccination rate and the dynamics of the respective parameters would also have to be taken into account. “There is no such thing as a lucky formula that comes out with the one number that fully explains the pandemic.”

Justice Minister calls for vaccinations

Federal Minister of Justice Christine Lambrecht (SPD) has meanwhile urged all citizens to corona vaccinations. “We are still a long way from over the mountain with Corona, as shown by the steep rise in infections that predominantly affect people who have not been vaccinated,” Lambrecht told the “Handelsblatt”. “That is why every citizen is urged to get vaccinated now.” This is the only way to protect yourself from the risk of serious illness.

“All the arguments and facts speak in favor of the vaccination,” said Lambrecht. In this context, she pointed out the possibility for restaurants, for example, to only open to vaccinated and convalescent people. The freedom of contract enables private providers “to go further here and to make offers only for certain groups of people such as those who have been vaccinated and those who have recovered”.

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