Rimsting: carcasses in the stable – Bavaria

In the trial against a farmer from Rimsting who allowed 33 cattle to die in their own manure, the Rosenheim district court heard from many veterinary experts, but learned little from them in detail.

According to their documents, the last time that the official veterinarians from the Rosenheim Veterinary Office were at the remote farm in the municipality of Rimsting was in July 2022. The farmer had delivered milk with too many germs several times, so the farm should be checked again to see how several times in previous years. But he didn’t want to let the inspectors into the stable; that had already happened. Milk had not been collected for six months, it was said at the time that the cows were being stocked and sold to the butcher or other farmers. The 97 animals, which were still alive, were only picked up ten months later, at the instigation of the veterinary office. 33 animals were lying in various states of decomposition in the stable, where the manure was sometimes half a meter high.

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