Rihanna at Madame Tussauds in Berlin – fans demand “melt down”

Berlin wax museum
“Meltdown!” – Fans don’t recognize Rihanna at Madame Tussauds

Looks like a cross between Santa and a nurse – Rihanna as a wax figure at Madame Tussauds bears little resemblance to the real superstar

© Eventpress Golejewski // Picture Alliance

The Berlin wax museum Madame Tussauds has given its Rihanna statue a Christmas outfit. Fans find the result creepy.

It’s very Christmas – also at Madame Tussauds in Berlin. The wax museum put on her Rihanna statue in a sexy Christmas costume at the beginning of December and has apparently tinkered with the figure a bit. The result provokes a storm of indignation on social media – and is diligently mocked.

In the meantime, the photos of the Christmas wax Rihanna, which was presented on December 9th at the opening of the Christmas area, have also spread worldwide. And no matter how benevolently you look at the pictures – the figure draped with a tight red something doesn’t look like Rihanna.

This encouraged the “Bild” newspaper, for example, to smugly ask its readers: “Who is this world star at Madame Tussauds?” It can be assumed that not many readers would immediately think of the answer.

Why was the Christmassy Rihanna so unsuccessful at Madame Tussauds?

It is not entirely clear why this dissimilarity is due. Probably the outfit and the way the figure was trimmed and photographed, among other things. Because actually the Rihanna statue is not new. Madame Tussauds describes her on its own website as one of the “most popular wax figures” in the Berlin museum. In photos without the current Christmas dress, she also looks much more similar to the real Rihanna.

But the current Berliner wax Rihanna is unrecognizable. The comments on social media are correspondingly merciless. “Melt down,” demand some commentators and others rhetorically ask whether the thing has perhaps not already been melted down.

A Twitter user placed two photos side by side, one of the real Rihanna and one of the wax figure, and wrote something like: “Sure – that’s the same woman”, a little confused.

Another is upset: The Berlin Museum has changed the face of the waxy Rihanna and given her a paler complexion. Others simply ask how you can do such a thing to this fantastic woman and singer.

A lot of publicity for the Berlin wax museum

In the media that report on it, however, it is also mentioned that Madame Tussauds is currently attracting an extremely high level of attention through this faux pas. With the unsuccessful Christmas Rihanna, Berliners are on everyone’s lips. If you didn’t know that there were Madame Tussauds in Berlin and that a wax Rihanna is on display there, you will know by now at the latest.

Sources: Madame Tussauds, “Bild.de“,” Kurier.at“,”Vienna.at

Berlin wax museum: "Melt down!" - Fans don't recognize Rihanna at Madame Tussauds

See in the video: At the end of November, the Caribbean state of Barbados made the transition to a republic with the swearing-in of a female president. The famous daughter of the country Rihanna was also honored on the occasion of the celebration.

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