Right-wing terror: The Munich murders of the NSU – Munich


Martin Bernstein

They are a “network of comrades”, claimed the right-wing terrorists of the “National Socialist Underground” (NSU). And they killed – in Munich the Ramersdorfer Habil Kılıç on August 29, 2001 and Theodoros Boulgarides on June 15, 2005 in his key service on Trappentreustraße. The murderers Uwe Böhnhardt and Uwe Mundlos have been dead for ten years, the murderer Beate Zschäpe is in prison. The NSU had collected 88 addresses of potential victims of attacks in Munich alone, and noted possible destinations on a city map. This included information that only local people could have. Boulgarides, for example, had just opened his shop two weeks earlier. Nothing indicated the owner’s migration background. Two days after the murder, two Munich right-wing extremists are said to have been checked in the immediate vicinity of the crime scene.

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