Rick Okon: The “crime scene” will be over in spring 2024

Rick Okon
The “crime scene” will be over in spring 2024

Rick Okon will be seen as a “Tatort” detective for the last time next year.

© WDR/Bavaria Fiction/Thomas Kost

Actor Rick Okon leaves the Dortmund “Tatort”. Jörg Hartmann and Stefanie Reinsperger continue to investigate in their roles as a duo.

The Dortmund “Tatort” team is changing its face. As the responsible WDR announced on Sunday, the last film is being shown Rick Okon (34) as investigator Jan Pawlak according to current planning on February 18, 2024 at 8:15 p.m. on Erste. Okon himself announced his departure on Saturday evening at the premiere of the crime thriller called “Cash” at the Lünen Cinema Festival.

“After 13 ‘crime scenes’ in Dortmund, it’s time for me to say goodbye,” said Okon on the sidelines of the event, which was also attended by Jörg Hartmann (54), who plays the main investigator Peter Faber in the Dortmund “crime scene”. Okon thanked WDR, the production companies and his “great colleagues for this wonderful time” “sincerely.” It wasn’t easy for him to leave because he had grown very fond of his role and had accompanied him intensively for six years. “But now the time has come for me to go new ways. […] It was a celebration for me,” said the actor.

Dortmund’s “Tatort” team continues as a duo

WDR editor Frank Tönsmann gave an outlook on the future of the Dortmund team without Okon in a statement: “We won’t be able to replace him – and we don’t want that either. Faber and Herzog are now investigating as a duo in Dortmund.” Filming on “Cash” wrapped in spring 2023. The last case with Jan Pawlak takes place in the sports betting environment. A young father was murdered who had previously gambled away betting in the regional football league.

The Dortmund “crime scene” currently consists of Inspector Peter Faber, played by Hartmann, Rosa Herzog, played by Stefanie Reinsperger (35), and Okon’s outgoing role of Jan Pawlak. In 2018, when Okon joined, Martina Bönisch (Anna Schudt, 49) was still part of the team, but she died a serial death in 2022. His colleague Nora Dalay (Aylin Tezel, 40) also left in 2020.


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