Richard David Precht: peace order against Russia is “time bomb”

Richard David Precht: “European peace order directed against Russia is a time bomb”

Richard David Precht is also a political mastermind: “Realpolitik do everything to avoid the very worst.”

© Thomas Schulze / Picture Alliance

The world is out of joint – and yet we must not forget to think out of sheer dismay and actionism. the star asked the philosopher Richard David Precht what he thinks about the war – and about our reactions.

For Precht, the justified sympathy for the victims of the war in Ukraine on the one hand and the arms deliveries on the other hand “which are prolonging this terrible war even further and causing further deaths and injuries are a bone-hard contradiction.” The deep indignation at the outrageous injustice of the Russian invasion is understandable, it cannot be big enough.

“But,” says Precht, “it doesn’t free you from doing everything you can to prevent the worst from happening.” History teaches: “A European peace order in which Russia plays no role or which is directed against Russia is a time bomb, a crumbling Russia is a powder keg”. According to Precht, hope promises “only a quick end to the war with a neutral Ukraine.”

Read the whole interview here

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