Rhineland-Palatinate: Police are looking for suspects known to the police

Police officers shot: suspect is known to the police

A police officer stands at a cordon on County Road 22, about a kilometer from the scene where two police officers were shot and killed

© Sebastian Gollnow / DPA

After a police officer and a policewoman were shot dead during a vehicle check in Rhineland-Palatinate, there is now a suspect. This isn’t the first time the police have dealt with him.

After the deadly shots at two young police officers in Rhineland-Palatinate, the police are looking for a suspect who is already known to the police. As the German Press Agency learned from security circles, he had been noticed in the past because of an escape from an accident. The man is believed to have a gun license. The Berlin “Tagesspiegel” reported about it first.

Policeman fired back

The policeman is said to have fired several shots at the scene. His colleague’s weapon was obviously not used.

Perpetrators, who have not yet been named, fired the fatal shots at the police officer and the policewoman during a check by the civil patrol early Monday morning. According to the information, the officials had previously reported by radio that dead game had been found in a vehicle. Later they reported “They are shooting”.


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