Revolution among the cathedral sparrows: the girls are coming!

“Gloria” echoes sometimes deeply, sometimes brightly through the large choir hall. Around 50 Regensburg cathedral sparrows are rehearsing their performance here when a girl enters the large room in the school building. Viola Klotz and her father are allowed to listen today. The rehearsal makes an impression on Viola: “That sounds very nice. I would like to come here.” And indeed, the nine-year-old could soon be standing here and singing.

Only one boys’ choir for over 1,000 years

Since 975 only boys and young men have sung for the world-famous boys’ choir. Until now. From the school year 2022/2023, the Regensburger Domspatzen want to take in girls for the first time. Cathedral Kapellmeister Christian Heiss does not want this change to be understood as a break with tradition. “We are not breaking with a tradition. We are adding to it. Breaking would mean: We abolish the boys ‘choir or we mix the girls into the boys’ choir. We do not do either.” Instead, there should be an additional girls ‘choir in addition to the boys’ choir.

Domspatzen: New structures, new paths

Together with her father, Viola is shown the boarding school and school building. There have been major changes at the Domspatzen since the abuse scandal: There are new structures, with new management. The school building was also completely renovated. And a swimming pool offers a lot more that other schools cannot afford. The decision was therefore very easy for father Karl-Heinz Klotz, who himself attended a church school. “As parents, we are actually convinced that we will find an ideal school environment at the Domspatzen, in which Viola can pursue her musical and sporting inclinations.”

School management: Every beginning is difficult

Headmistress Christine Lohse is looking forward to the fact that soon girls will be able to visit the Domspatzen. Because of her past assignments as a teacher, her students are no strangers and the change is therefore not a problem. “Maybe more for the boys who are not used to spending their everyday school life with girls.” Therefore, there should be specially trained staff who can specifically cater to the needs of the girls and thus facilitate the transition for all genders. After a few weeks everything will be completely normal, Lohse estimates. “Because girls are just as much a part of our world as boys.”

Parents: Mixed schools preferred

But that was not the case with the Domspatzen for over 1,000 years. But like many other choirs, they too are struggling with a decline in the number of singers and thus also in the number of students. There are currently 270 cathedral sparrows. Many parents and their sons would prefer mixed schools, the Domspatzen announced in writing. With the opening of the school to girls, there is also the hope of being able to attract more boys again. The girls should not be understood as filling in the gaps.

Application: Auditions for girls too

The application phase will run until spring. Fifteen girls and their parents have already asked the Regensburger Domspatzen. Like every applicant, the applicants first have to show what they can do. So also Viola, who has sung in a choir before and is now standing in front of Cathedral Kapellmeister Christian Heiss. She has prepared a song: ‘Joy of beautiful sparkles of the gods.’ Not every tone is perfect. But after half an hour of joint practice, the cathedral music director confirms: Viola definitely has potential. “She has shown that she has a voice that sounds good and that can be encouraged and opened up.” The chances are good that Viola could be one of the first girls at the Regensburger Domspatzen. After more than 1,000 years as a boys’ choir.

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