Retail strikes before Christmas – economy

In the deadlocked collective bargaining dispute in the retail sector, the Verdi union is increasing the pressure and announcing strikes before Christmas. The Verdi federal executive board is calling on retail employees to take industrial action between the Thursday and Saturday before Christmas. Anyone who wants to prevent strikes immediately before Christmas Eve must return to the negotiating table,” said Verdi boss Frank Werneke on Friday. “Unilateral collective bargaining dictates do not lead to a solution.” The approximately 3.1 million employees have been waiting for a conclusion for months. “Negotiations “Withdrawing your license is pure provocation and completely disrespectful,” criticized Werneke, referring to employers.

Despite statements to the contrary at a top-level meeting at the end of November, employers continued to refuse collective bargaining, the union complained. That is why the state districts are now preparing actions and strikes. The collective bargaining dispute that has been going on in the individual regions has made little progress for around seven months. Verdi is demanding 2.50 euros more per hour for retailers for a period of one year. According to the union, employers have so far only offered a tariff increase of 1.04 euros for 2023. Things don’t look much better for the approximately 1.9 million employees in wholesale and foreign trade.

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