Retail – Grocery Chains Demand End of 2G Rules – Economy

The call for a nationwide abolition of the 2G rule in retail is getting louder and louder. According to the German Retail Association, the four major grocers – Edeka, Rewe, Aldi and the Schwarz Group (Lidl, Kaufland) – called for an end to the access restrictions that still apply in large parts of the trade in a letter to several top politicians on Monday. This is also remarkable because grocers themselves are not affected by the 2-G rule at all. FDP boss and Finance Minister Christian Lindner signaled doubts about the current regulation. “Personally, I ask myself whether we really need the very strict access restrictions in retail in the long term. There is economic damage,” he said. The federal and state governments had decided on the 2-G rule for large parts of the retail trade in view of the increasing corona incidence figures at the beginning of December last year. This does not apply to shops for daily needs such as supermarkets and pharmacies. However, the regulation has already been overturned by courts in several federal states.

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