Restrictions ease for overseas territories

Overseas territories will be able to breathe a little more easily. Certain measures in force for travel between France and overseas territories will be gradually eased from Friday, the government said on Thursday.

“The compelling reasons [pour voyager] from or to the Overseas Territories will no longer be compulsory for non-vaccinated passengers, with the exception of Wallis-and-Futuna” and “a negative test for Covid-19 will no longer be requested on boarding for vaccinated passengers “, indicate the ministries of Health and Overseas, in a joint press release.

No more mask when traveling

These measures will apply on Friday, the day of publication of the decree. “Wearing a mask will no longer be compulsory when traveling, including by plane”, they say, adding that the mask “remains nevertheless an effective means of protecting oneself and others in enclosed spaces”.

“This reduction takes into account the improvement in the epidemic situation at the national level and the decline in hospitalization levels, even if the fifth wave is not yet over and everyone’s vigilance must remain in order” , underline the text.

Vaccine promotion campaign

The government recalls that only vaccination can fight effectively and sustainably against the virus and announces that “a campaign to promote vaccines, in particular excluding messenger RNA”, will be launched soon.

The health crisis linked to the Covid-19 pandemic and the explosion in the price of raw materials weighed on the economy of the Overseas Territories in 2021, which saw their recovery “thwarted”.

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