Residence permit, S files… Update on Gérald Darmanin’s announcements

Four days after the assassination in Arras of Professor Dominique Bernard by a radicalized man claiming to be a member of the Islamic State organization, Gérald Darmanin announced that he wanted to add new provisions to his immigration bill. Promised for a year and a half, the bill, whose examination must begin on November 6 in the Senate, was initially presented to be “bad to the bad” (and “kind to the good”), namely foreign delinquents. for which he provided for a battery of expulsion measures. A year later, the text was overtaken by a new drama and Gérald Darmanin returned to the offensive. Back to the initial philosophy, therefore. Here are its main announcements:

Withdrawing a residence permit for adhering to “jihadist ideology”

The minister, who has therefore defended his administration since Friday, is “considering a provision” allowing the “withdrawal of the residence permit” when a person “adhers to a radical jihadist ideology”, within the framework of his bill, we explained to the ministry on Tuesday. For example, “if someone has a photo of a beheading from the Islamic State on their phone,” a group to which Mohammed M. had pledged allegiance.

Extend the duration of placement in Cra

The minister is also considering extending the duration of placement in an administrative detention center (Cra, where people in an irregular situation are placed while awaiting their expulsion) “for S files or delinquent persons”: eighteen months , compared to three for the others. Objective ? “Keep in Cra” foreigners deemed dangerous.

The “lifting of all protections”

Gérald Darmanin explained that he wanted the “lifting of all protections” from which “delinquent immigrants” can benefit, explains those around him, whether due to marriage with a Frenchman or arrival before the age of 13. Without fear of breaking free from the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). “Do we have the right to send back people who are threatened at home (for example in Chechnya) because they threaten us at home? It’s a debate. And it does not matter if the ECHR, whose decision is not binding, orders us to pay a fine of 3,000 euros, I am ready to pay,” the minister said, according to his entourage.

Thus, France has “resumed contacts since the beginning of October” with Russia to try to obtain consular passes, necessary for expulsion. In his sights: sixty Russians registered in the radicalized persons file (FSPRT), S files, who have had their residence permit withdrawn and are considered “dangerous”. Forty are in prison but 11 may be subject to deportation, they say at Place Beauvau.

“End this hypocrisy” of the work of undocumented immigrants

However, finally the title “jobs in tension” is in trouble. It is not completely abandoned in order to preserve a legislative “hook” to “put an end to this hypocrisy” of the work of undocumented immigrants, but it could be reduced to the essential: “break the employer’s barrier” which must now give its approval for the regularization of the employee.

For the rest, the criteria for regularization could be the subject of a new circular, as a “complement” to the Valls circular of 2012. An “interesting compromise” with the right which had made this article a red line, according to Beauvau. And a “passageway” for the bill. The “bad guy with the bad guys” was followed by this formula, according to those around the minister: “We are more for people who work and not for those who screw up.”

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