Researchers retrieve rare baby ghost shark from the deep sea

New Zealand
Researchers retrieve rare baby ghost shark from the deep sea

The scientists published this photo of the newly hatched ghost shark. The animal was accidentally caught off the coast of New Zealand’s South Island.

© National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research

Ghost sharks are extremely rare — no wonder scientists are rejoicing at finding one. The little shark had just hatched when it was caught and is now being closely examined.

This find is considered a sensation in research circles: off the coast of the South Island of New Zealand, scientists have caught a small ghost shark. The animals live at great depths, are considered very rare. Little is known about her.

The animal was still a baby, apparently just hatched. You could tell by the fact that it still had egg yolk in its stomach, said marine biologist Brit Finucci of the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA), who also reported on her discovery on Twitter.

Ghost shark was caught off the coast of New Zealand

The team at the state research institute reportedly made the find during one of their routine dives designed to help better understand underwater biology. One of the tasks of the Niwa is to advise the public, institutions and companies on the subject of sustainable management and a resource-saving approach to nature.

Ghost sharks were only discovered in the first place a little over 20 years ago. They probably live mainly in the Pacific deep sea in the areas around New Zealand, Australia and New Caledonia. The name is deceptive, these cartilaginous fish are not sharks, but they are related to sharks and rays.

According to the researchers, the baby ghost shark was discovered at a depth of 1200 meters. Scientist Finucci called the discovery a “beautiful find”. Deep-sea creatures are generally difficult to discover.

Now the researchers want to take tissue samples and examine the genetics of the young animal. It should be measured accurately. That should help “to assess exactly what species we are dealing with”.

The little shark – or what is left of it – should also help the researchers to better understand the species and its habitat.

Ghost sharks are not easy to identify, even for experts. Apart from the fact that there have not been many finds, they change their territory and their appearance over the course of their lives. The cold and staring eyes are characteristic. Their appearance and floating movements in the depths of the sea give them a ghostly appearance.

Pity on Twitter for Baby Ghost Shark

The juveniles develop in eggs laid on the sea floor. They feed on the egg until they are big enough to hatch.

For the newborn animal itself, however, the encounter with the researchers ended tragically. Photos show it out of the water. Even the extreme pressure differences between the deep sea and the water surface should have been deadly for the newly hatched baby ghost shark, which users on Twitter also drew attention to.

Many in the network, like the researchers led by Finucci, were enthusiastic about the find. But others also asked why the small animal had to be killed for research. The fact that it is no longer alive should not only be clear from the published photos. Also, none of the reports mention whether it survived.

Swell: niva, BBC, ABC

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