Researchers have achieved incredible things – they print functional OLED displays

Will the days of electronics stores soon be over? American scientists predict: In the future, everyone will be able to produce flexible OLED displays themselves – with a 3D printer!

This OLED display was created entirely in a 3D printer.

Photo: McAlpine Group, University of Minnesota

3D printers are a fascinating technology that opens up completely new possibilities in many areas. Their development is proceeding at an enormous pace. The printers are getting faster and more sophisticated and can sometimes cope with completely new dimensions. The production of entire components at the push of a button is no longer a vision of the future. Researchers have also achieved astonishing successes in the electronics sector, but the project by the scientists at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities has reached a whole new dimension in this area: The team has succeeded in creating a flexible organic light-emitting diode display (OLED) in 3D print. The results of the subsequent test were astonishing.

These innovations will shape the future

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