Research: Cuddles in the left ear are more popular

Watch the video: Research: That’s why you should always whisper kind words into your left ear.

If you want to whisper a few nice words to your loved one, you might want to choose a specific ear for it. Researchers from Switzerland were able to find out that positive human noises trigger increased neuronal activity in the auditory system. The fascinating thing: The activity is particularly strong when the positive noises come from the left side.
According to the researchers, if we only hear happy human sounds on our left side, this triggers a much stronger neurological reaction. Sandra da Costa, first author of the study, comments: “This is not the case when positive vocalizations come from the front or from the right”. No increased reaction on the left side could be demonstrated for neutral or negative human sounds, as well as non-human sounds. So far, the researchers have not been able to explain why we react more strongly to positive human noises from the left.

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