Reports on attacks on secularism twice as numerous in October

The numbers jumped in the space of a month. In October, the Ministry of Education recorded 720 reports of attacks on secularism in schools, colleges and high schools. A month before, 313 incidents had been reported.

These figures were previously communicated quarterly, but their publication has changed to a monthly rhythm since the start of the school year, at the request of the Minister of Education Pap Ndiaye. A total of 627 incidents were recorded in the first quarter of 2022 (December to March) and 904 in the second quarter (April to July 2021).

A note from the State services pointed out in mid-October the “multiplication” of attacks on secularism. It supplemented an alert already issued at the end of August, which accused the “Islamist movement” of questioning “the principle of secularism at school” by relying on social networks, in particular Twitter or TikTok.

40% of reports for wearing religious symbols

Pap Ndiaye put forward “three explanations” for this sharp rise: the virality of TikTok videos, “the anniversary of the assassination of Samuel Paty”, the history-geography professor beheaded on October 16, 2020 by a young radicalized, and the fact that we “very strongly encourage the heads of establishments to report all reports”.

In detail, 40% of the incidents recorded in October are for “wearing religious signs and outfits”, against 54% in September, the ministry said in a press release.

Faced with this increase in reports, the ministry sent a circular to the rectors of academies which provides for action measures.

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