Reports: Death sentence imposed after protests in Iran

Status: 13.11.2022 7:49 p.m

A court in Iran has reportedly handed down a death sentence in connection with the protests. The convict is charged with arson and endangering national security. There were also several prison sentences.

An Iranian court has reportedly sentenced to death a person involved in the anti-government protests. Five other people were sentenced to long prison terms.

A “troublemaker” had been sentenced to death for setting fire to a state facility and endangering national security, the judicial authorities said, according to a report by the state news agency IRNA. In addition, five other people were sentenced to prison terms of between five and ten years for administrative offenses and disturbance of the public peace. The judgments can still be appealed. The death penalty in Iran is usually carried out by hanging.

According to the AFP news agency, the judiciary also announced on its website Misan Online that the death penalty had been imposed. The convict was found guilty, among other things, of setting fire to a government building, “disturbing public order” and threatening “national security”.

Thousands arrested since protests began

According to the human rights organization Amnesty International, at least 314 people were executed in Iran last year. According to estimates by human rights activists, almost 15,000 demonstrators have been arrested during the protests, which have been going on for around two months. The government in Tehran has not confirmed these figures, but has not given any others either.

At least 330 people were killed in the protests, according to the Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA) in the US.

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