Removing calluses: tips for beautiful feet

Cracked heels
Removing calluses: This will make your feet (again) soft and supple

The pumice stone is a proven means of removing calluses from the feet

© Studio-Annika / Getty Images

Calluses on the heels and balls of the feet are usually used to protect the feet, but if they are too thick, they can tear. Not only does it look ugly, it also causes pain. Here’s how to remove and prevent calluses.

Thickened calluses are favored by external influences, such as too much pressure and friction from tight or uncomfortable shoes. But dust, heat and sweat also promote calluses by drying out the skin. You can see this on the heels and balls of the feet in the hot summer months when most people are wearing thin shoes such as sandals or flip-flops. If the keratinized areas tear, however, bacteria have an easy job – they penetrate the skin and trigger painful inflammation. It is all the more important to regularly care for calluses, keratinized areas and cracked heels by removing the Remove the callus. How this works best is summarized below.

Remove the callus step by step: Here’s how

1. Start with a foot bath
In order for you to be able to remove the excess callus, you need to soak it first – with one Foot bath. Use lukewarm water for this, in which you add either 100 milliliters of apple cider vinegar, a little tea tree oil or Dead Sea salt. On the one hand, your feet are cleaned in this way, and on the other hand, it is particularly effective salt germicidal. Put your feet in ankle-deep water and let the footbath work for ten to a maximum of 15 minutes.

2. Use a pumice stone
Various tools help to remove excess skin. A classic is that pumicewhich was used for foot care in ancient times. In contrast to a plane or rasp, the coarse-pored volcanic rock only removes the upper layers of the skin, so there is no risk of removing too much callus and leaving your feet defenseless. Alternatively, you can also use a Corneal file use.

3. Apply cream to your feet
After the treatment, it is important to take care of the sanded skin. It’s best to use one for this creamthat provides your feet with sufficient moisture and at the same time helps prevent new calluses from forming again so quickly. Alternatively, you can also use so-called Foot butter use that is quickly absorbed by the skin and leaves a smooth, supple feel.

New beauty trend: foot masks instead of pedicures

In order to save time and money, more and more people are foregoing professional pedicures – and instead relying on a new beauty trend: so-called Foot masks. This is a kind of sock that you just have to put over your feet. The special thing about the foot masks is that they contain a nourishing moisturizing emulsion (including milk, aloe vera and papain) that penetrates your skin and softens it. Depending on how much callous skin you have, your feet can even “peel”, i.e. the old layers of skin are shed off – and new, soft skin appears underneath.

Important: If you have particularly sensitive skin, you should test whether you are allergic to the foot mask before using it. To check it, dab some liquid from the mask onto your skin and wait ten minutes.

The best home remedies for calluses

Of course, there are also popular home remedies that you can use to remove calluses. This includes:

  • Mix three teaspoons together Baking soda with lukewarm water and soak your feet in it for ten minutes. Alternatively, you can make a kind of paste out of baking soda and a bit of water that you rub your feet with and leave for five minutes – before you wash and rub your feet off.

  • Dried chamomile is also an effective home remedy for calluses. Use either a tea bag or loose chamomile flowers that you wrap in a dry cloth, sprinkle them with hot water so that they are wet – but not dripping – and press the chamomile bag onto the keratinized areas for 15 minutes.

  • Another beauty secret weapon is fresher Lemon juice – a home remedy that is always used when it comes to skin problems. This is due to their acidity, which can also help against calluses. To do this, cut a lemon in half and place the halves on the keratinized areas for a maximum of 30 minutes.

This is how you can prevent calluses

To prevent the skin on your heels and balls of the feet from drying out and keratinizing, you can take preventive measures:

  1. Do not wear shoes that are too tight or uncomfortable – the pressure causes calluses to form faster to protect the feet from friction.
  2. It is best to change your shoes regularly as often as possible so that the same areas are not always irritated.
  3. If possible, avoid high heels and soles that are too thin or too hard. Instead, run barefoot as often as possible.
  4. Give your feet a regular bath and then always rub the skin with an ointment that contains urea or salicylic acid.

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