Remove lady beard: 6 simple tips for smooth skin

hairy problem
Remove the lady’s beard – this is how you get rid of the annoying hairs

More than just fine fluff: Many women suffer from a lady’s beard

© Deagreez / Getty Images

The dark hairs on the upper lip are an aesthetic problem for millions of women. We will show you promising methods on how to remove a lady’s beard.

Even though women’s facial hair is something completely natural, many of them find a lady’s beard unpleasant: In other words, isolated hairs that are much darker than the usual down on the cheeks, chin and upper lip – and therefore clearly recognizable. This in turn is often an aesthetic problem for those affected, which they are particularly ashamed of in public. Here we explain how unpleasant beard growth can occur and which tips can be used to easily remove a lady’s beard.

Why do women get lady beards?

There is a good reason why only men normally get a beard – and it lies in their genes: the male sex hormones, also known as androgens. The best known of them is testosterone, which is responsible for hair growth, among other things. Women also produce the hormone, but in such small amounts that it usually has no effect on hair growth. However, if significantly more male hormones are formed, the affected woman gets a lady’s beard. In technical jargon, the hormonal imbalance is also hirsutism called, from which almost four million women suffer.

Unfortunately, this is not the only reason that can lead to increased hair growth on the face. The most common causes of a lady’s beard include – in addition to the overproduction of testosterone – the following:

  • menopause, also known as menopause
  • Diseased ovaries or adrenal glands
  • taking special hormonal drugs

How to remove a lady beard

1. Shaving

The easiest and cheapest way to remove a lady’s beard is:Just shave him off. However, this method also has a disadvantage: the hairs grow back quickly and leave a stubbly feeling on the skin – like shaving the legs – which many women do not like so much. For this reason, you should think carefully beforehand whether this method is right for you. In that case you can razor use, which was specially developed for removing women’s beard hair.
The electric shaver is here.

2. Pluck

Plucking out the lady's beard with tweezers

Individual hairs on the upper lip are removed with tweezers

© Vladimir FLoyd / Getty Images

If only a few individual hairs can be seen on the upper lip, shaving is not necessary. If you still feel visually disturbed by it, you can to the grab tweezers. The plucking is not completely painless, but uncomplicated and inexpensive. However, this method also has a disadvantage: the hairs grow back relatively quickly.
You can get tweezers here.

3. Epilation

Similar to plucking out with tweezers, the women’s whiskers are pulled out of the skin together with the root when epilating. That not only sounds uncomfortable, it usually is. On the other hand, the upper lip remains smooth for up to three weeks – if the application is successful. Unfortunately, there is also a risk here that the fine hairs will break off during the treatment, so you have to be careful and thorough here. So-called facial hair epilators are best suited for the lady’s beard: These are spirals that are bent in such a way that a loop is formed. The resulting center is moved back and forth over the desired skin area over and over again.
The facial hair epilator is here.

4. Wax and sugar paste

Remove lady beard with hot wax or a sugar paste

The lady’s beard can be removed with hot wax or a sugar paste

© Elena Volf / Getty Images

Anyone who has ever waxed their legs knows how effective – but also painful – this treatment can be. But the torment is rewarded: the skin remains smooth and supple for up to four weeks. Regardless of where the hair was removed. For this reason, the lady’s beard can also be removed using wax or sugar paste. Provided the hairs are at least three millimeters long. Otherwise, the hair roots will not be removed by the jerky removal of the fleece strip and will continue to grow happily. You should also know that sensitive skin can react irritated to waxing and sugaring – in this case you should rather put yourself in the professional hands of a beautician.

5. Bleaching

If you are bothered by the hairs on the upper lip but are not (yet) ready to remove them, there is another gentle method: bleaching. For this you need a special paste based on hydrogen peroxide, which you apply to the lady’s beard and let it work for a short time – here, too, you should stick to the recommended time on the package insert. The bleach causes the annoying hairs to be deprived of color and thus fade. This has the advantage that your lady’s beard is less conspicuous, but the facial hair is still the same. In addition, you have to repeat the bleaching process after just one to two weeks. A cheap, painless method if you only want to lighten a few hairs. You can find the bleaching cream here.

6. Depilatory Cream

There are several ways to remove a lady's beard

Depilatory cream is a popular way to remove a lady’s beard

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A classic way to remove annoying hairs is the depilatory cream. In contrast to the other methods, this one is completely painless – but the sulfur-like smell is anything but pleasant on the nose. In addition, your face could be irritated by the cream if you do not stick to the exact exposure time. Unpleasant skin irritations would be the result. The application is child’s play. The depilatory cream is available here.

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