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Who will be the Republican candidate for the 2022 presidential election? To convince party members, Michel Barnier, Valérie Pécresse, Xavier Bertrand, Eric Ciotti and Philippe Juvin debated this Sunday evening live on CNEWS and simultaneously on Europe 1.

11:40 p.m.

The debate is over. Michel Barnier, Valérie Pécresse, Xavier Bertrand, Eric Ciotti and Philippe Juvin will have exchanged on their political project and their vision of France for two and a half hours.

The five candidates deliver their first impressions to the microphone of the journalists of CNEWS and Europe 1. Xavier Bertrand welcomes a “rhythmic” debate, Michel Barnier a “respectful” exchange.

11:32 p.m.

The five candidates for the LR nomination end the debate by each choosing a measure proposed by a competitor that they would like to see applied.

11:30 p.m.

Michel Barnier focuses his economic program on the industrialization of France. “We must protect our companies against unfair competition”, he adds, proposing a “carbon tax at the external borders”.

11:24 p.m.

For Xavier Bertrand, we must “work more” and “finally” get out of the 35-hour week. He also details his idea of ​​a “work premium”.

11:20 p.m.

Valérie Pécresse wishes “a real incentive to return to work”, in particular by introducing a net salary increase of 10% by lowering the social contributions of companies.

11:12 p.m.

For Eric Ciotti, “the welfare state has become obese”. Taking up the project of François Fillon, he believes that “the urgency is to lower charges and lower household taxes”, measures financed by retirement at 65 and the 39-hour week.

11:01 p.m.

“French money” is the third and final part of the debate.

“We need more officials in contact with the French,” says Philippe Juvin, who does not want to reduce the number of officials.

10:55 p.m.

When asked about cancel culture, all the participants in the debate agree that we should not judge the past “with our values ​​of the 21st century”.


Michel Barnier evokes the Franco-British conflict over fishing: “The British behave like buccaneers. They want to take back what they lost at the time of the post-Brexit compromise ”.

Behind the crisis, “lives are changing,” says Xavier Bertrand about French fishermen. According to him, France must use its many levers: the Franco-British border at Calais, the electricity supplied to the Channel Islands, etc.

9:33 p.m.

The crisis at the Polish border fuels the discussion on immigration. “We need a Schengen 2 with countries that have the same migration policy. This is not the case today ”, considers Philippe Juvin.

For her part, Valérie Pécresse defends her quota system. “We must send the illegals back to their country. If the country refuses, it is zero immigration ”.


“We must eliminate the many state aids offered to illegal immigrants. It costs millions of euros. These are bonuses for illegality, ”insists Valérie Pécresse.

8:20 p.m.

Michel Barnier, who defends a moratorium on immigration, believes that it is necessary “to stop migratory flows” to “give a chance to assimilation”.

10:15 p.m.

Asked about assimilation, Eric Ciotti defends a return of “blood rights”. “One must become French by descent or by a more demanding naturalization course”. “It already is”, Sonia Mabrouk reminds him, “I have experienced it”.

10:07 p.m.

“The ideology of wokism wants to destroy the foundation of our national cohesion”, affirms Michel Barnier, when Eric Ciotti proposes to ban inclusive writing.

10:02 p.m.

Asked about immigration, Xavier Bertrand defends the idea of ​​a “republican passport”. “You have to speak the language and share the values ​​of the Republic” to be able to come to France.

9:58 p.m.

“Which France for tomorrow?” is the second major theme of the evening. The debate opens on the role of the school.

“Our model of civilization is superior to others. We must defend it ”, dares Philippe Juvin. “We are not a country like the others”, agrees Xavier Bertrand.

9:55 p.m.

Asked about the controversial remarks of Jean-Christophe Lagarde with regard to Eric Zemmour, Eric Ciotti denounces “an ignominy” and regrets the “lack of reaction”.

“There is savagery, violence, racism, anti-Semitism in this country. We must set an example, ”says Michel Barnier for his part.

9:50 p.m.

All the candidates agree on a “presumption of self-defense” for the police. “We have to protect them,” says Valérie Pécresse.

9:45 p.m.

“We must think about enforcing the sentences in the country of origin,” says Philippe Juvin. The other candidates disagree. According to Xavier Bertrand, “the family of the victim must be guaranteed that his sentence will be properly applied”.

9:40 p.m.

Valérie Pécresse wishes to put in place aggravating circumstances for the violence committed in sensitive neighborhoods. Like its competitors, it promotes minimum sentences and calls for better application of sentences, especially shorter ones.

9:35 p.m.

Philippe Juvin wants to put an end to the individualization of the sentence to sanction “violent gangs”.

9:30 p.m.

Xavier Bertrand accuses Marine Le Pen of “not wanting to solve the problems” because “it is his fuel”.

9:28 p.m.

“There is not only repression and sanction in the republican reconquest. There is also training and education ”, tempers Michel Barnier.

9:25 p.m.

Eric Ciotti wants strong “symbols” and defends “whatever the cost of security”.

9:23 p.m.

Philippe Juvin does not wish to resort to the army in the neighborhoods, but to give more resources to the police. “A municipal police officer must have the same powers as a national police officer”.

9:19 p.m.

“I want the reinstatement of military service”, details Michel Barnier, who wishes to submit the measure “by referendum”.

9:13 p.m.

The candidates are now speaking on the first major theme of the evening: “the safety of the French”.

To respond to insecurity, Eric Ciotti defends “if necessary” an intervention of the army in the most sensitive areas. “Islamism has declared war on us,” he said.

9:10 p.m.

“The current situation is the consequence of the abandonment of a certain number of our territories on public services”, accuses Philippe Juvin, in the face of tensions in hospitals.

9:05 p.m.

Asked about the health and security crisis in Guadeloupe, all the candidates want the “restoration of order” on the island.

For Valérie Pécresse, “if we had used local elected officials, if we had taken the time to convince, we would not be there”.

9:00 p.m.

Xavier Bertrand devotes his carte blanche to the rights of disabled people, and supports the “individualization of the allowance for disabled adults” in order to no longer take the spouse’s income into account in the calculation of aid.

8:55 p.m.

After a carte blanche from Michel Barnier in the form of advocacy in favor of the country’s institutions, Philippe Juvin wishes to impose in the debate other themes than immigration, such as hospitals, agriculture or education.

For his part, Eric Ciotti highlights “freedom of thought” and the lifting of “taboos”.

8:53 p.m.

The debate begins on the CNEWS set. Each candidate has the right to a white card to discuss a subject that is close to his heart.

First to speak, Valérie Pécresse wants to emphasize the role of school: “the fight against dropping out of school will be the great cause of my five-year term”.

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