Relive our instalive with Camille Aumont Carnel, who tells us about her book #Adolescente

“The need is there. To the question “have you ever experienced sexual violence?”, 60% answered no, 20% yes, and 20% I don’t know! », hammers Camille Aumont-Carnel. The Instagrammer, better known by the nickname @jemenbatsleclito, has not finished doing sex education. Always active on social networks, she has just published a second book, #adoesexo *.

A guide that addresses all the questions that many teenagers ask themselves, from orgasm to consent, starting from their questions and adopting the color codes and uninhibited language of social networks. A book she hopes to see in all CDIs. Because there is still a lot of work to be done so that families, schools and loved ones speak, listen and support this discovery of sexuality. With a community of 700,000 Internet users, and after extensively interviewing 1,200 teenagers between the ages of 14 and 18, Camille offers an overview of the doubts, interests and complexes of this generation. It provides playful and documented answers, reviewed by five professionals in medical, gender and hormone issues to all the questions that many would never dare to ask.

“I don’t want to apologize for existing”

20 minutes interviewed her on Monday during an Instalive to talk about all her discoveries, her rants and her hopes. What information would she have liked to have had at 14? “If I had to give just one piece of information: I want to feel powerful, I want to take up space, speak loudly and above all not apologize for existing. It’s a shame to have grown up with the idea that a big penis takes up space and for us it’s a little secret garden, a little bud, a little flower. I would have liked to be told that it is the same thing. A penis is an erectile organ that gorges itself with blood and measures on average between 14 and 16 cm. A clitoris is an erectile organ that gorges itself with blood and measures on average between 11 and 13 cm. The lexical field is super important! We all grew up with this phrase “the masculine wins over the feminine”, how do you want to create powerful women? »

To find out how she built this book with her community, welcomes painful testimonies or imagines a much more suitable sexuality education, and what her next projects are, you can (re) discover the video of this Instalive.

* #Adoesexo, Albin Michel, June 15, €19.90.

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