Relaxation course for cancer patients in Munich: Stress is unhealthy – Munich

Stress is unhealthy – for the body and mind. But how do you really get rid of worries and fears? A conversation with health scientist Claudia Harrer-Groß about the art of proper relaxation.

The past months of the pandemic have left their mark on many people and led to a banal realization: everyone reacts differently in extreme situations, especially when worries or illnesses influence everyday life. Claudia Harrer-Groß deals with stress management professionally. The 46-year-old studied health sciences at the Technical University of Munich and is a fitness trainer and nutrition coach. As a certified trainer for progressive muscle relaxation (PMR), she works with exercises that are supposed to lead to more inner calm and relaxation. She says hearing the body’s warning signals can teach us. During the lockdown period, she coached online. After a long break, she is now giving a PMR course for the first time for cancer patients who feel stressed by the disease and the therapy for the Bavarian Cancer Society.


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