Relationship: There are only three basic types of men – according to a study

Study from Canada
There are only three basic types of men – which are you?

Even relationships with traditional distribution of roles still have supporters today.

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A study asks how men build their relationships today. There are only three basic patterns: neo-traditionalists, egalitarians and progressives. And all three types have their dark sides.

In a study published in summer 2023, researchers in Canada asked how men approach their relationships. They found three basic types of masculinity that shape how men imagine an intimate relationship. The study leader from the University of British Columbia analyzed detailed interviews with 92 heterosexual men between the ages of 19 and 43. Despite different cultural backgrounds, three basic patterns emerged. So women can only choose between these three models.

Neo-traditionalists: Men who largely follow traditional gender roles and, for example, see themselves as breadwinners and protectors in their see relationship.

egalitarian: Men who strive for an equal partnership. They value reciprocity and a fair share of give and take.

Progressives: Men working to strengthen gender equality in their relationships through conversations with their partner to determine who does what.

But how can you actually imagine the three types? A few quotes are intended to bring the concepts to life. For the neo-traditionalists, time actually stands still a bit in the 1950s. The men have a clear view of their duties, but expect a very traditional view of their roles from the women. “Most of the time she does the housework… while I do the male duties, like maybe washing the car. I also sometimes go shopping and do some painting around the house too.” The man sees himself as a fair patriarch: “The man is the head of the family… he is responsible for ensuring that the relationships are equal.”

With the egalitarian concept, however, compromises often have to be negotiated. The ideal seems to be to divide the duties using an Excel spreadsheet. “There were conflicts in which my friend had the feeling that she cooked more often than me, which was true,” says a representative of this type. “The way we’ve solved this is that we plan a meal date days in advance. For example, if she cooks for three days, I cook for three days too. Then I think that by having a more rigid schedule like this, a more quantifiable schedule, we can get in We were able to divide the tasks more evenly.”

The progressive model, on the other hand, requires a lot of thought, says Justin. “It takes work to be a person who maintains an equal relationship. It takes self-reflection, reflection on our society, reflection on what you want as a person, what your partner wants as a person, and it takes a lot of emotional introspection to have one Building relationships that are equal, security where vulnerability is valued, where intimacy is built in.”

Exploring the reality of life in relationships

This project is the latest study from a men’s health research program examining the relationship between masculinity and mental health in men. “We wanted to understand how different types of masculinities influence men’s relationships and their mental health. We found that these masculine types were associated with both different advantages and challenges. The small project has a big context. Since the “In the 1980s, gender roles, identities and relationships are changing rapidly. Everyone is aware of the discussions, but there is a lack of research into how the change is specifically reflected in relationships.”

Little is known about how younger men work in their personal lives to build relationships today, Dr. Oliffe. The entire research project aims to show a path to healthier relationships in order to promote the health of men, their partners and their families. Men who actively advocate for gender equality and social justice achieve better psychological well-being. Men who challenge current equality ideals face isolation or criticism from others, which can also impact their mental health. In addition, small breakdowns came to light in the interviews: egalitarian men, who in principle uphold equality, have difficulties when it comes to actually dividing domestic tasks 50:50.

Source: Social Science & Medicine

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