Relationship problems: This is why a sleep divorce could be the answer

Watch the video: Why a “sleep divorce” could be the answer to your relationship problems.

Do you live with your partner or spouse and have sleep problems?
Some people notice their partner’s every move.
This makes it more difficult for them to reach the deep sleep phase, or so-called REM phase.
A possible solution could be a “sleep divorce”.
This involves sleeping in separate beds or separate rooms.
A growing trend: According to a recent survey by the National Sleep Foundation in the USA, one in 10 couples sleeps in separate rooms and almost one in four married couples sleeps in separate beds.
Due to social norms and the feeling as a couple that you absolutely have to sleep together, many people feel bad about it.
But separate sleeping spaces can make sense, because not getting enough sleep doesn’t help anyone.
The “National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke” in Canada examined the consequences of lack of sleep.
Here are three reasons why couples can benefit from a sleep divorce:

  1. Health

It has been known for years that consistently not getting enough sleep is extremely unhealthy.
Lack of sleep leads to high blood pressure, increases the chance of developing diabetes and leads to depression.
To protect your own health and that of your partner, everyone should get enough sleep.

  1. balance

Various studies show that lack of sleep makes us irritable.
Our patience runs out quicker than when we’re well rested – which leads to arguments more often.

  1. Appreciation

Because the sleeping situation no longer causes stress, you can appreciate lying in the same bed together again.
The partnership can benefit from the fact that lying in bed together is something beautiful and special again.
This will bring a breath of fresh air into your relationship.


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