Relations between Beijing and Washington heat up over climate

A rapprochement between the two leading world economic powers? China and the United States assured Thursday that their recent discussions on climate ahead of COP28 in Dubai were a success, a new sign of resumption of dialogue between the two countries.

The talks were held in California ahead of an expected meeting next week between US President Joe Biden and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping in the United States. American climate envoy John Kerry received his Chinese counterpart Xie Zhenhua near Palm Springs on Saturday, in preparation for the UN climate conference, COP28 in Dubai.

A promise to “work jointly” at COP28

Discussions between the two men ended “successfully” on Wednesday, the Chinese Ministry of the Environment said in a statement. The two countries, which are the largest emitters of CO2 in the world, “conducted a comprehensive and in-depth exchange of views and achieved positive results with regard to the development of bilateral cooperation and action on climate change “. China and the United States also agreed to “work together to make COP28 a success,” according to the press release.

“We have found common ground on several issues that will prove useful in these next critical weeks leading up to COP28,” greeted John Kerry, who will travel to Singapore from Friday to Sunday to “advance American climate objectives and clean energy.

Relations between Washington and Beijing have reached one of the lowest points in recent years on many issues, including export controls, human rights and national security. But the two countries seem eager to renew dialogue, with Washington sending several senior officials to Beijing this year and resuming their discussions, particularly on the climate and their nuclear arsenal. “We have 1,000 reasons to improve relations between China and the United States, but not one to spoil them,” Xi Jinping also assured last month.

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