Rejoice, women – Munich

On International Women’s Day, the main focus is on disadvantages. It could also mean: Hey guys, we’ve really achieved a lot here. This should be said between the gender asterisk and the landlocked I: in the landlocked state of Uganda, women can only dream of so much progress.

Women may not necessarily be good at parking, but neither can some men. At Munich’s Max-Weber-Platz I met a man who seemed more clumsy in this endeavor than any female driver I had met before. He parked his car at an angle, as if the white lines were a suggestion at best. I started to scold him before he told me that he was in a hurry because he was picking up his kids, he was already running late, and he didn’t care about the white lines at the moment. Mom was at work, he said. I looked at him and stopped criticizing him. The parking rules are ignored.

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