Regular users of Intercités trains will be compensated

Good news for the wallets of some… The government and the SNCF will reimburse part of the Intercités subscription and compensate the frequent users of these trains, who were “the most affected” during the strikes against the pension reform, has announced Thursday the Minister Delegate for Transport Clément Beaune on France 2, citing in particular travelers on the Paris-Toulouse, Paris-Limoges or Bordeaux-Marseille lines.

The subscription of Intercités users will be reimbursed up to 50% for the months of January to April 2023 inclusive and regular travelers, “who have made at least five round trips over this period [sur un même trajet]will receive compensation of 100 euros”, he added, specifying that “it will start on Monday”.

Automatic refund for subscribers

During the social movement of strikes against the pension reform, it is sometimes “nine trains out of 10 which have been canceled on certain days”, knowing that these are lines “which are already in difficulty in normal times, with problems of punctuality, regularity”, acknowledged Clément Beaune.

The reimbursement will be “automatic” for subscribers and will be done online for regular travelers, who will receive an email from SNCF customer service, the ministry said. The operation should concern nearly 20,000 people, the same source added. The daily Intercités or “territorial balance trains” are subsidized by the State, which covers 50% of their costs.

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