Regrets, pension reform, candidacy … The Head of State takes stock

He may not be officially in the countryside, but it is just like. On TF1 and LCI, Wednesday evening, Emmanuel Macron strongly defended a five-year term deeply marked by the Covid-19 pandemic. Without the coronavirus, he assures that the pension reform “would have come to an end”. If he affirms that he will make his decision on his possible candidacy “after the cap of the 5th wave”, in the face of contaminations at their highest since the spring, the Head of State has projected himself forward. According to him, “it is clear that we will have to work longer”.

Pandemic: New restrictions not ruled out, vaccination of children not mandatory

Are further restrictions possible by the end of the year? “We must always be careful in the matter, the one who dictates the rhythm and the rules, it is the virus”, answers the Head of State. Which, for the moment, emphasizes three pillars: “vaccination, the health pass and barrier gestures.” “

Faced with the threat of the Omicron variant, “all our compatriots must go to this third booster dose”, insists Emmanuel Macron, who also invites the unvaccinated to be immunized. On the other hand, it excludes making vaccination compulsory for children over 5 years old, leaving the choice to the parents.

Assessment: Emmanuel Macron regrets having “hurt people”

He didn’t go so far as to do his mea culpa. But faced with the images of some of his words (“I cross the street, I find you work”, “Gauls refractory”, “the lazy and the cynics”), Emmanuel Macron regretted having “hurt people”. “” Those who have succeeded and those who are nothing ”… You can’t say that, I have a formula which is terrible. I had a will to push, to make things happen, but now I keep the will to push without hurting. “On Alexandra Benalla, he judges that his former project manager” was not protected beyond what he should be “, considering that the legal proceedings” established that there was no parallel system ”.

Yellow vests: “The crowd was going crazy”

No one, according to Emmanuel Macron, “saw the ” yellow vests ” crisis coming” “. If he condemns the excesses, in particular “the Arc-de-Triomphe sullied” with a crowd “who was going mad”, the tenant of the Elysee promises not to turn his back on “France which feels invisible”. “I am for responsibility, merit, but also mutual aid and solidarity when the hard knocks are there. “

Pension reform: “It is clear that we will have to work more”

Without the pandemic, Emmanuel Macron is categorical, the pension reform “would have come to an end”. If it will not be put back on the carpet by the end of his mandate, it remains, according to him, “essential”. In the event of re-election, the tenant of the Elysee pleads for a modified version on three points: “It is clear that it will be necessary to work longer” to respond to the funding crisis, it will be necessary “to adapt this time to difficulties ”of the tasks, and also go“ towards an exit from the special diets ”, with a reduction to three regimes.

Immigration: “I don’t believe in ” Great replacement ””

“I do not believe in the ” Grand replacement ”, it is not there”, answers the president, questioned on the theory popularized by the extreme right, in particular Eric Zemmour – on a so-called replacement of the Judeo majority -Christian by Islamic immigration. But, recognizes Emmanuel Macron, “in recent decades, we have not integrated well, we have segregated our country”. “The other difficulty is that immigration is increasing”, continues Macron, promising in particular to tackle “trafficking and smugglers”.

Application: A decision taken after “the course of the 5th wave”

Does he think about it while shaving? “If your question is ‘Do you have ambition for the country beyond next April’? Obviously, ”replies the Head of State. But before deciding on a possible candidacy for his own succession, he wants to “pass this course of the 5th wave” of the pandemic. To be able to make “difficult decisions”.

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