Registration office for antiziganism opened in Bavaria – Bavaria

The facility is intended to offer a low-threshold opportunity to report racism directed against Sinti and Roma.

Bavaria now has a reporting and information center on antiziganism (MIA). The facility was opened on Friday in Nuremberg by the state chairman of the Association of German Sinti and Roma, Erich Schneeberger, as the association announced.

The registration and information center based in Nuremberg was funded by the Free State and the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs and is intended to provide information on the forms and extent of antigypsyism in society. The goals also include raising public and political awareness, said Schneeberger. Antiziganism is a form of racism directed against Sinti and Roma.

The facility would therefore like to offer a low-threshold opportunity to report such cases in Bavaria in the future. Be it an insult, unequal treatment or a physical attack, antiziganist propaganda, for example on the Internet, can also be reported.

Those affected and witnesses can contact the registration office via an online form, but also by phone, Whatapps or voice message. In future, the facility would like to provide information about antigypsyism in Bavaria in annual reports.

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