Register a balcony power plant: What has become easier since April

Since April 1st, it should be easier to register your own balcony power plant. We explain here what to do now and how it works.

It’s not that far away from being able to supply yourself with electricity independently and sustainably – with a balcony power plant you can generate solar energy in no time. But it hasn’t been that easy so far; there were some bureaucratic hurdles that had to be overcome. With Solar Package 1, the federal government now wants to significantly reduce these obstacles so that small, private power producers are not unnecessarily held back. We’ll clarify to what extent registration has been simplified since April 1st!

Changes in the registration of balcony power plants since April 1st

The federal government has agreed on Solar Package 1, and the decision is scheduled to take place in April. It contains a number of points that may be of interest to future balcony power plant owners. The package not only increases the watt limit from 600 to 800 watts, but also makes registration easier.

Since April 1st, registration in the market master data register has been significantly simplified. This means that operators of balcony power plants have to answer significantly fewer questions. In addition to some personal data, only five pieces of specific information about the system itself are required. Previously there were around 20 entries – this means registration has become more time-saving. New registration aids for the market master data register make registration even easier. These are the necessary details that will be requested when registering:

  • Location of the facility
  • Display name of the unit (balcony power plant)
  • Technical data such as total power of the modules, power of the inverter and number of the electricity meter (observe limit values)
  • Additional technical data for the power storage device, if one is in operation

In parallel to registering in the market master data register, it currently makes sense to register with the local electricity operator. Here, too, there are usually forms that simplify the process. Approval from the network operator is no longer necessary for balcony power plants.

Balcony power plants from 2024 with 800 watts

Since it has become easier to register a balcony power plant, the way has been paved for purchasing a plug-in balcony power plant. On top of that, the imminent resolution of the solar package will also increase the watt limit from 600 to 800 watts. This means that future producers of their own electricity should now rely on systems that contain an 800-watt inverter, such as the complete set for the balcony with two and one Hoymiles inverter from the provider Kleines Kraftwerk.

The details at a glance:

  • Two bifacial solar modules: 430 watts each with the latest TOPCon technology
  • Hoymiles HMS-800W-2T inverter: 600 watts / upgradeable to 800 watts
  • Connection cable: five meters of Schuko cable included

Click here for the offer at Kleines Kraftwerk

Balcony power plant from TW Solar

The balcony set from TW Solar is configurable, with the basic package including two solar modules with 425 watts each and an 800 watt inverter from either Hoymiles or Deye. Also included are an optional connection cable with a length of five or ten meters and a pair of MC4 extension cables.

The details at a glance:

  • Two Suntech solar modules: 425 watts each with the advanced TOPCon technology
  • New generation Deye or Hoymiles inverter: output power of 800 watts, can be throttled to 600 watts via app
  • Connection cable: five meters of Schuko cable included + a pair of MC-4 cables

Click here to see the offer on Ebay

April changes everything: In the future, it will be easier for prospective balcony power plant owners to install the system and finally produce and use their own electricity.

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