Regensburg: search for escaped killer continues – Bavaria

At the weekend, the police searched intensively for a prisoner who had escaped from Regensburg and was serving a life sentence for murder. Helicopters, search dogs and numerous emergency services were involved, the police said. The search is also ongoing internationally. So far, around 125 tips have been received from the population, which are being processed. “However, there is no concrete indication of the current whereabouts of the fugitive,” it said. A larger police presence was therefore still noticeable in Regensburg. But so far all efforts have been in vain.

The 40-year-old, together with an accomplice, attacked a lottery shop in Nuremberg in 2011 and murdered the 76-year-old owner – the case caused a stir in northern Bavaria at the time. In 2013, the man was sentenced to life imprisonment and was imprisoned in Straubing. Because of resistance against enforcement officials in the JVA, he now had to answer before the district court of Regensburg.

A police spokesman said the man was brought tied up to the courthouse for a hearing on Thursday. The judge then ordered that his shackles be removed during the hearing. According to the police, during a break in the process, the defense lawyer and his client withdrew to a lawyer’s room on the ground floor. As usual, the accused and his lawyer were alone in the room, a spokesman said.

The 40-year-old used this opportunity to escape through a window. The officers rushed after him, but couldn’t stop him. It is unclear whether he is still in Regensburg at all. The police asked witnesses to find the Algerian for information. She warned against addressing the man directly as he is considered violent. He is therefore 1.76 meters tall, slim and has shoulder to elbow length, wavy dark hair. The investigators asked that information about the whereabouts of the man should be given to the police directly via the emergency call.

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