Recovered status: Lauterbach wants to withdraw powers from the RKI

Status: 02/16/2022 06:51 a.m

In January, the RKI surprisingly shortened the recovered status from six to three months – which led to massive criticism. As a consequence, Minister of Health Lauterbach wants to take this competence back from the RKI.

Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) wants to withdraw this competence from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) after criticism of the decision to shorten the convalescent status. “I would like to make decisions myself and directly about far-reaching decisions such as the recovered status,” Lauterbach told the “Bild”. “Otherwise I bear the political responsibility for the actions of others.”

With the Covid 19 protective measures exception ordinance of January, the RKI and the Paul Ehrlich Institute were authorized to decide who is considered recovered or vaccinated under what circumstances and for how long.

“Delegation omitted”

According to the draft resolution for today’s federal-state meeting, which also ARD Capital Studio is available, this competence should go back to the Ministry of Health:

In the revision of the Covid-19 Protective Measures Exception Ordinance (SchAusnahmeV) initiated by the Federal Minister of Health, the delegation to the Paul Ehrlich Institute and Robert Koch Institute (RKI) will no longer apply with regard to the determinations on the vaccinated and recovered status.”

Massive criticism – especially from the FDP

The RKI was heavily criticized in mid-January because it had short-term reduced the convalescent status from six to three months, thereby changing access to gastronomy and events overnight for millions of Germans.

RKI boss Lothar Wieler was then violently attacked by the FDP, among others. However, Lauterbach had placed himself in front of the head of the authorities and assured him of his trust.

Minister of Health Lauterbach wants to determine the status of convalescent himself

Evi Seibert, ARD Berlin, February 16, 2022 at 6:15 a.m

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