Rear wheel, burnt fire … 51 verbalizations in a (agitated) wedding procession

To say that he stood out is an understatement. On its way, the procession of a wedding organized this Saturday in Villeneuve-sur-Lot (Lot-et-Garonne) received 51 verbalizations, tell it Petit Bleu d’Agen.

Guests seated at the windows of moving cars

The parade was very undisciplined and multiple violations of the Highway Code such as non-respect of traffic lights and stops were sanctioned by the police. Some guests have forgotten all caution, not hesitating to sit at the rear windows of moving cars or riding on the rear wheel of their motorbikes…

It was a busy day for the agents who issued five other verbalizations to another wedding procession, still in the small town of Villeneuve-sur-Lot.

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