Reactions to suspicions against Kaili: “The allegations are very serious”

Status: 12/12/2022 2:20 p.m

In the EU, there is horror at the allegations of corruption surrounding Deputy Kaili. There are likely to be political consequences – for them, but also for relations with Qatar. In Germany, too, there is great outrage.

EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has brought the formation of an ethics council to monitor EU institutions into play in view of the corruption allegations against the social democratic EU Parliament Vice Eva Kaili and other people. The allegations are extremely serious and “very serious,” she said. Von der Leyen again proposed an ethics council. The EU needs “the highest standards” for independence and integrity.

The German commissioner answered evasively to questions about a possible involvement of her EU Commission in the scandal. “We have very clear rules for all commissioners and we’re looking at that,” she said.

Above all, the Greek Deputy Commission President Margaritis Schinas has come into focus: the commissioner responsible for the “European way of life” and migration had visited Qatar together with Kaili for the opening of the World Cup and met with members of the government. Qatar had made “considerable and tangible progress on labor reforms,” ​​which he said at the time, “need to be continued and implemented effectively after the World Cup.”

But no visa liberalization for Qatar?

EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell also spoke of “very, very worrying” allegations against Kaili. Parliament Vice Rainer Wieland from the CDU also told the Reuters news agency that he assumed that Parliament would take the vote scheduled for Monday on visa liberalization for Qatar off the agenda. “That is likely and would be a first strong political signal.” Politicians from other parties had previously made similar statements.

Parliament met in Strasbourg today for its last plenary week of the year. Parliament Speaker Roberta Metsola is expected to comment on the revelations.

The leadership of the Social Democrats had already announced that they would have to replace Kaili as Vice President. The so-called Conference of Presidents must first decide on such a motion, and then the plenary session of Parliament must approve it with a two-thirds majority.

First session of the EU Parliament in Strasbourg after the corruption scandal

12/12/2022 11:53 am

Scholz reacts “with the expected horror”

Sharp criticism also comes from federal politics. Chancellor Olaf Scholz is alarmed by the reports. The chancellor is following this “with the expected horror that something like this is apparently possible,” said government spokesman Steffen Hebestreit. However, the processing does not lie with the EU nation states, but at the European level.

Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock spoke of an “incredible incident” before the meeting of EU foreign ministers. “He must now be cleared up without ifs and buts, with the full force of the law.” This is about the credibility of Europe.

SPD leader Lars Klingbeil called for the people concerned to be expelled from the EU Parliament immediately. “This must now be clarified as soon as possible, including how far these connections go,” said Klingbeil. “It cannot be explained, it cannot be tolerated. The people do not represent social democratic values, they have to leave our party,” he said, referring to Kaili.

600,000 euros in cash confiscated

Belgian investigators had searched 16 houses in Brussels in the past few days and confiscated 600,000 euros in cash. Four people were arrested, the Belgian public prosecutor announced on Sunday. The Greek MP Kaili is said to be among them. The President of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola, relieved her of her duties, and the Greek Social Democrats expelled her from the party. The Greek authorities, in turn, froze their assets.

According to the Brussels public prosecutor’s office, there is a suspicion that the Emirate of Qatar tried to influence decisions of the EU Parliament with considerable sums of money and gifts. Qatar denies this. Kaili had repeatedly praised the emirate.

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