Reactions to Supreme Court verdict: “Tragic mistake” or “God’s decision”?

As of: 06/24/2022 8:08 p.m

Shortly after the verdict on abortion rights, tempers in the United States are running high. US President Biden spoke of a “tragic mistake”. His predecessor, who paved the way for the ban, hailed a “decision of God.”

US President Joe Biden has called the Supreme Court’s historic decision against liberal abortion laws in the United States a “tragic error”. “It is, in my view, the realization of an extreme ideology and a tragic error on the part of the Supreme Court,” Biden said. “I will do everything in my power to combat this deeply un-American attack.” The US Congress must act now to have the final say on the matter. “It’s not over,” Biden said.

He accused the conservative majority on the Supreme Court of having set the country back 150 years with its decision. After the judges overturned the right to abortion, which had been enshrined for 49 years, the US Congress has a duty to guarantee this right by law. But since that is impossible with the current majority, Americans will have to vote for those who support it in the midterm elections in the fall. He warned that the verdict could also endanger the right to contraception or marriage for everyone.

Trump celebrates verdict as “God’s decision”

Former US President Donald Trump, on the other hand, has hailed the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn the country’s abortion law as a decision from God. “God decided that,” the 76-year-old told Fox News. The step is in line with the constitution and should have happened “a long time ago”.

Trump had moved the Supreme Court significantly to the right during his tenure. The Republican appointed while Justices Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett. They all voted to overturn abortion rights – along with Conservative Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito.

Sharp criticism from the United Nations

Harsh criticism of the verdict came from the United Nations Commissioner for Human Rights. This is “a terrible blow to women’s human rights,” said UN Human Rights Commissioner Michelle Bachelet. “Access to safe, legal and effective abortion is firmly enshrined in international human rights law.”

The United Nations Population Fund had previously pointed out the health risks for women. “Data shows that restricting access to abortion doesn’t stop people from having an abortion — it just makes it more deadly.”

Justice Minister pledges support to women

Justice Secretary Merrick Garland pledged government support to affected women. The Department of Justice will use all the tools at its disposal to protect women’s choices about abortion.

Garland said the Justice Department will make sure women who want to have an abortion can do so in states that still allow it. He also stressed that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has cleared the abortion drug mifepristone. Since experts deem it safe, individual states couldn’t just ban it either, Garland said. More than half of all abortions in the US are performed with such abortion pills.

Republicans and bishops cheer

The leading Republicans in the US Congress, Kevin McCarthy, Steve Scalise and Elise Stefanik, on the other hand, cheered after the verdict. In a joint statement, they wrote: “We applaud this historic decision that will save countless innocent lives.”

The US Catholic Bishops’ Conference also welcomed the verdict and spoke of a “historic day in the life of our country”. For almost 50 years, America has had an “unjust law” that has allowed some to decide “whether others can live or die”; this policy has resulted in the deaths of tens of millions of unborn children. Generations have been denied the right to be born at all, according to a statement from the chair, Archbishop Jose Gomez, and Archbishop William Lori, chair of the Pro-Life Activities Committee.

Obama calls for protests

Former US President Barack Obama called for resistance shortly after the verdict. “Today the Supreme Court not only reversed nearly 50 years of precedent, it left the most personal decision anyone can make to the whims of politicians and ideologues — and attacked the fundamental freedoms of millions of Americans,” Obama wrote on Twitter.

Obama also shared a picture with the text: “Join the activists who have been raising the alarm about access to abortion for years and take action. Support them in the local protest,” it said. His wife Michelle Obama wrote, “I am heartbroken for the people of this country who have just lost the fundamental right to make informed decisions about their own bodies.” The judge’s verdict must be a wake-up call, especially for young people.

Majority of Americans in favor of abortion rights

After the decision of the Supreme Court, the first protests broke out in front of the courthouse in Washington. Opponents and supporters had already gathered there before. Protests are also expected in other cities in the country. The mood was already heated after a draft of the decision became public around two months ago.

Only a minority of the US public polled in favor of Roe v. calf is tilted. According to the Gallup Institute, since the 1970s a majority has supported the right to abortion – with restrictions or in all circumstances.

Pelosi warns: ‘This is just the beginning’

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi warned Republican politicians are now planning legislation to ban abortion nationally. In Republican-governed states, “they want to arrest doctors who provide reproductive health care.” They wanted to “punish and control women”.

“It’s a slap in the face for women,” said the Democrat. Restricting abortion is just the beginning, she warned. “This is deadly serious.” Pelosi referred to the congressional elections in November – there the right of women to decide about their own bodies is on the ballot.

Some critics fear the logic of the ruling will cause Republican politicians to challenge other Supreme Court rulings, such as the 2015 one recognizing same-sex marriage.

The powerful Democrat Chuck Schumer was shocked. “Today is one of the darkest days our country has ever seen,” the Senate Majority Leader wrote on Twitter. American women were said to have had their basic right to an abortion “stolen” by judges close to Trump.

Human rights activists stunned

Human rights organizations were also appalled. “Access to abortion is critical to safeguarding fundamental human rights, including the right to life and personal security, privacy, non-discrimination, and freedom from cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment,” Human Rights Watch said. “All of these rights are recognized in international agreements that the US has ratified.”

Amnesty International said the verdict was a somber milestone in US history. It affects every single person in the US, regardless of whether they could become pregnant or not.

Trudeau is horrified

International politicians also reacted to the Supreme Court’s verdict. Canada’s liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau expressed his dismay at the decision. “No government, politician or man should tell a woman what she can and cannot do with her body,” Trudeau wrote on Twitter, assuring Canadian women to stand up for their right to abortions. The news from neighboring USA is “terrifying”.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson described the US judges’ decision as a “major step backwards”. During a visit to Rwanda, Johnson said he had always believed that women should make the decision.

Federal Family Minister Lisa Paus said she was “stunned” by the verdict. The Green politician wrote about shocking news on Twitter. “It has been proven that a ban on abortions does not lead to fewer abortions, it puts pregnant women at risk because they are denied a safe and medically supervised abortion.”

Protests at Supreme Court after decision

Katrin Brand, ARD Washington, 6/24/2022 6:06 p.m

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