Ratings: TV ratings: Qatar is ahead of the “Wilsberg” adventure

TV ratings: Qatar is ahead of the “Wilsberg” adventure

Lionel Messi celebrates with his teammates after his goal to make it 1-0. photo

© Tom Weller/dpa

The World Cup preliminary round match Argentina-Mexico drew the most viewers in front of the television on Saturday evening. The ZDF thriller “Wilsberg: Bielefeld 23” couldn’t keep up.

Wilsberg’s buddy Manni is in a tight spot. He is said to be drug addicted, aggressive and corrupt. Wilsberg (Leonard Lansink) and Ekki (Oliver Korittke) don’t want to believe that. They travel to Bielefeld to prove their friend’s innocence.

That’s what the thriller “Wilsberg: Bielefeld 23” was about on Saturday evening at 8:15 p.m., which this time didn’t play in the middle of the cobblestone idyll of Münster. On average, 3.81 million people (14.9 percent market share) switched on ZDF to see it – and thus fewer viewers than at the World Cup preliminary round match in Group C Argentina-Mexico on the first. From 8:00 p.m., an average of 5.33 million were there – so the football game clearly had the edge in terms of TV ratings at prime time with 21.0 percent.

Behind them were the famous magicians Ehrlich Brothers, who encouraged 1.78 million people (7.0 percent) to tune in with their current tour program on RTL entitled “Ehrlich Brothers live! Dream & Fly”. This was followed by Vox with the feature film “The Da Vinci Code – Sakrileg” (1.12 million/4.8 percent), ZDFneo and “Gladiator” with Russell Crowe in the title role (0.72 million/2.9 percent), Sat .1 with the animated film “Smallfoot – An icy adventure” (0.68 million/2.7 percent), ProSieben with “The duel around the world – Team Joko versus Team Klaas” (0.63 million/3.1 percent) and RTLzwei with “Léon – Der Profi” (0.57 million/2.3 percent).

The bottom TV ratings on Saturday evening among the stations mentioned here was Kabel Eins with a “MacGyver” episode (0.51 million/2.0 percent).


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