Rare celestial spectacle in Germany can still be seen in the sky until mid-April

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Every 70 years, a special comet can be seen from Earth for days. © Michael Jäger/Imago

A rare spectacle can currently be seen in the sky in Germany, which is only visible from Earth every 70 years.

Germany – It is further away than the sun, and yet you can see it in the darkness: Comet 12 P/Pons-Brooks is visible from Earth about every 70 years, as is currently the case. According to amateur astronomer Michael Jäger, there is even a chance of discovering the rare celestial spectacle with the naked eye – ideally from a mountain.

Rare celestial spectacle in Germany can still be seen in the sky until mid-April

Jäger, who photographed the comet from Austria in March, explains that the comet is prone to bursts of brightness. On its surface there are geysers that emit gas and dust. These give the comet its characteristic greenish-yellow tail.

Uwe Pilz, chairman of the Association of Star Enthusiasts, emphasizes that binoculars are necessary to observe the comet. The comet is located quite low in the evening sky and is best viewed to the northwest. The optimal observation time is late twilight, before the sky becomes completely dark, between 7:30 p.m. and 8:00 p.m., depending on the location. A different kind of celestial spectacle could also be seen in North Rhine-Westphalia in February.

Green Comet currently in the sky: This is how you can see the celestial spectacle

Beginners have a good chance of discovering the comet until the beginning of April, provided the weather cooperates. For astronomers, April 10th is the last day of observation. The comet, which is estimated to be 30 kilometers in size, is located around 240 million kilometers from Earth (read more service news on RUHR24).

The coma, a foggy shell around the comet’s nucleus, and the tail form as the comet approaches the sun and heats up. At 12 P/Pons brooks, the tail is exceptionally long, at over ten million kilometers. Jäger compares the comet to Halley’s Comet and describes it as one of the largest periodic comets known.

Seeing comets in the sky in Germany: Not all of them visible to the naked eye

Not everything about comets is visible to the naked eye. The eruptions on the comet’s surface can only be seen in specially edited photos. Comet Pons-Brooks was originally discovered in July 1812 and has a long history of observations.

Comets that originate from the cold edge of our solar system are remnants of the time when planets were formed. They differ from asteroids in their high proportion of volatile matter. Occasionally, gravity or collisions bring them close to the Sun or Earth, giving us unique observation opportunities. dpa/edited by Lisa Siegle

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