Raquel Garrido and Alexis Corbière accused of employing an undocumented woman

According to information from the newspaper Le Point, the two deputies of La France Insoumise employ as home help an Algerian woman without French papers who is underpaid. Raquel Garrido has denied these accusations.

Embarrassing accusation for the couple formed by Raquel Garrido and Alexis Corbière. Respectively elected and re-elected to the National Assembly, the two figures of France Insoumise would employ an undocumented woman as a home helper, reveals the newspaper Point. This 36-year-old Algerian would also work in poor conditions. The deputy firmly denied all of this information.

The case begins in May 2022. While walking the couple’s youngest daughter, the domestic worker is subject to a police check during which she must justify her administrative situation. Unfortunately, she is in an irregular situation in the country where she arrived in 2008 with a student visa. She can therefore only present her Algerian passport. Still according to information from Le Point, the woman tells the police that she works day and night in the couple’s house in Bagnolet and in the Parisian apartment where their children are “taken care of” so that they can be educated in the capital. In the first accommodation she has her own bedroom, in the second she sleeps on the couch.

Paper blackmail and slingshot payment

But things don’t stop there. This domestic worker would not be, or little, paid by Raquel Garrido and Alexis Corbière, as evidenced by the messages that she exchanged with the deputy. “Monsieur will give you 150 euros for the week, we will see the rest afterwards”, could we read on one of them, to which the Algerian would have replied with a crying emoji. Answer: “We put a roof over your head, we make you work so either you’re grateful or I’m taking someone else now stop”.

The couple of politicians would also have dangled papers to their employee, “in the event of the election of Jean-Luc Mélenchon as President of the Republic or if he becomes Prime Minister”. Worse, the duo would put pressure on the 30-year-old, threatening to withdraw her job, as revealed by another message consulted by Le Point: “… I tell you to stay, you stay, if it doesn’t suit you, there are full in your case who want to work, but you can forget your papers”. Contacted by our colleagues, Raquel Garrido denied this information, saying that the couple had no home help and that they only got help during the various political campaigns and “each time with people with papers, and of course with the related Urssaf declarations”.

Following the publication of the article, the elected rebellious also published a press release on her Twitter account, explaining that “everything is false” and that the couple had instructed their lawyer to file a complaint.

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