Rapper Veysel in “Prison Tapes”: “Strange feeling when the doors close”

Rapper Veysel was once in jail himself, now he teaches prisoners how to rap in the RTL+ series “Prison Tapes”. In the starinterview he talks about his experiences with the inmates and the importance of music behind bars.

Veysel is known as a rapper with hits like “Kleiner Cabrón” or “Sorry”, as an actor he was in front of the camera in the series “4 Blocks” and “Asbest”. Now the 39-year-old is going to prison for RTL +: For a episode of the new format “Prison Tapes” (available on RTL+ from March 2nd) he visits prisoners of the JVA Hamm and raps with them. The format wants to give prisoners new perspectives. Eko Fresh, Nimo and Olexesh also take part.

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