Rapper: Apache 207: Being on stage is indescribable

Apache 207: Being on stage is indescribable

The German rapper Apache 207. Next year his tour will start in Hanover in June. photo

©Sony Music/dpa

The rapper Apache 207 doesn’t really fit into drawers. In 2019, his hit single “Roller” went through the roof. Because of Corona, he could only go on tour in 2022. What does that do to a musician?

For rapper Apache 207, being on stage is the most incredible feeling. “You live in this show, you don’t want it to stop and you can see in the faces of the fans that they feel the same way,” says the 25-year-old, who grew up in Ludwigshafen, in the dpa interview. “This merging of energies and how you feel all the magic and love that’s indescribable.”

Apache 207 rose to fame with its 2019 hit ‘Roller’. The song was the most played song in the first ten years of the streaming service Spotify in Germany. His first record “Treppenhaus” made it to number one in the charts. “We approached it very confidently and were sure that it had potential, but of course you wouldn’t have thought that it would take on such proportions,” says the artist about the success.

Musically, Apache 207 plays with different genres and moves somewhere between rap, R’n’B, pop, disco and zeitgeist. With his long black hair and Lennon sunglasses, the two-meter-tall artist doesn’t fit into a drawer either. “I’ve never put on a costume, it’s just my own clothes, it’s who I am,” says Apache 207, whose real name is Volkan Yaman.

Apache 207’s first tour was in 2022

Many would describe the musician’s style as “different”, but for the musician this is not “being different”. “If you meet me at the gas station now, you see me the same way you see me in a music video,” says the musician.

Apache 207 was only able to play his first tour in 2022 due to the Corona situation. The arena tour sold out in 16 minutes. “It was really painful for me not to be able to perform live,” says the rapper. “After not being able to stand on stage for so long, it was all the more blatant to get real feedback in the form of facial expressions and gestures.”

The best news is from fans thanking them for the show. These are the moments when he notices: “Hey, it’s all worth it, every difficulty and every hurdle is just worth it to be able to stand in front of people and make them happy,” says the musician.

The rapper will be on stage again next year. His open-air tour begins on June 10 in Hanover and will take him to numerous other German cities. The finale is scheduled for September 16th at the Berlin Waldbühne.


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