Rape allegation against Chris Noth: authorities are currently not investigating

Rape allegation against Chris Noth
Authorities are currently not investigating

Currently facing massive allegations: US actor Chris Noth.

© carrie-nelson / ImageCollect

For the time being, Chris Noth does not have to fear an investigation into allegations of sexual assault. The police currently have no complaints.

The US actor Chris Noth (67) currently has no official investigations due to the alleged sexual assault. The Los Angeles police confirmed the industry magazine “Deadline”. Two women made comments beforehand in a Hollywood Reporter article and said they were raped and sexually abused by Noth in 2004 and 2015.

Although the prosecution authorities are aware of the allegation of one of the two alleged victims, this would not initially result in any further investigations.

A woman named Zoe had accused the “Sex and the City” star in the “Hollywood Reporter” of having been raped by him in 2004. According to the “Deadline” report, although she spoke to the police, she did not file an official complaint. So there could be no investigation. It is also said that Noth had already brought in two lawyers who would “cooperate fully and completely” if an investigation did arise.

Chris Noth rejects allegations against himself

In the detailed article in the “Hollywood Reporter”, another woman accuses the actor of sexual abuse. This happened in 2015 in New York. It is not yet known whether the authorities are informed in this case as well. Both women stated that they had been reminded of the incidents again because of the advertising campaigns for the “Sex and the City” spin-off “And Just Like That …”. The actor can be seen again as Mr. Big in the remake of the cult series. The report states that the alleged victims did not know each other and reported independently of each other.

Noth rejected all allegations in a statement, but admitted the encounters with the women. However, there was no abuse, everything happened amicably, according to Noth.

Noth is already feeling the first consequences: The fitness equipment company Peloton withdrew a social media campaign with the actor. In a statement reported by “CNBC” among others, it is said that they were unaware of the allegations, but that they take every single allegation of sexual assault seriously.


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