Rani Khedira at Union Berlin: One for Flick’s World Cup squad? – Sports

A few days ago Gary Lineker, ex-England international striker, sat in Barcelona with a pint. And pricked up his ears when the names of his regular club, Leicester City, and 1. FC Union Berlin were mentioned in the same breath. He saw the Bundesliga table, he said, and asked himself: “What are they actually doing up there?” Which was a question that came up in the 2015/16 Premier League season when Leicester City surprisingly finished first to Lineker’s delight.

“Actually, there was no way that Leicester would become champions,” recalled Lineker. And the sensation at the time was also so great because the defenders were rather average, including Robert Huth. “But we had N’Golo Kanté!” Lineker exclaimed, “and he made up for it all.” 1. FC Union, who have been at the top for seven matchdays now, also have a defensive midfielder who has been as inconspicuous to date as French world champions Kanté were until they won the championship with Leicester. His name: Rani Khedira, 28.

Kanté and Khedira are different types. But they do have a few things in common. A pronounced tendency to discretion, behind which lies a capital importance for the team. It’s no coincidence that Khedira, with 1,628 minutes, is the player with the most playing time at Union after Robin Knoche (1,642). Together with goalkeeper Frederik Rönnow and striker Sheraldo Becker, Knoche and Khedira form the backbone of the league leaders.

Now Khedira is even on the provisional World Cup list of national coach Hansi Flick

Khedira does not dispute that the heroes are mostly different. It was the same on Sunday evening when Union turned the 0-1 deficit against Borussia Mönchengladbach (goal scorer Nico Elvedi/33rd minute) into the seventh minute of added time. And thus regained the lead in the table, which was still in the hands of the subscription champions Bayern Munich at the start of the game. Kevin Behrens (79′) and Dutchman Danilho Doekhi (89′) both scored with a header. “It’s a bit surreal,” said Khedira about the reconquista of the championship lead: “But it’s also a very, very cool snapshot that we just enjoy.”

Khedira came to Köpenick from Augsburg in the summer of 2021, and there was not a single citizen of the earth who would have anticipated the development that Union in general and Khedira in particular had taken. This is also reflected in the fact that Khedira is on the provisional World Cup list from national coach Hansi Flick, as Khedira confirmed to the Sky TV channel. “Surreal,” was his comment. Although, Flick has not yet had a player like Khedira in his range. And even if there is no obligation to do so, the thought that the German national team at the World Cup also reflects the legendary form of the Köpenicker is charming. And Flick appoints Knoche and/or Khedira accordingly.

Especially since the latter is currently on everyone’s lips. Recently, an Internet portal spread the word that FC Barcelona was interested in Khedira’s services – by the way, in case it didn’t work out with the demonstrably adored Kanté. “Rumors are rumours,” Khedira said when asked about it on Sunday. The fact that his contract with Union expires in the summer without an option to extend it makes Khedira even more interesting in economically uncertain times. Should Barcelona actually be interested, at least a continuation of the family piquancy would be ensured. The older brother Sami Khedira, who became world champion in Brazil in 2014 under Joachim Löw, ended his career with Union’s neighbors Hertha BSC – and played for Real Madrid from 2010 to 2015.

Against Mönchengladbach it could be seen again that not only Union’s game had developed, but also the opponents’ respect for the Berliners. As in the previous week at VfL Bochum, Gladbach was also heavily staggered, Khedira noted. “I was also surprised because Gladbach is actually a pretty strong team,” Khedira reasoned – and speculated that the Gladbachers probably wanted to let the Köpenickers have the ball because playing with the ball “is not our greatest strength”. Coach Urs Fischer drew enthusiasm from the fact that his team tried to find playful solutions against Gladbach.

Khedira’s jump in performance also has something to do with coach Urs Fischer

Again, Union in general and Khedira in particular have improved on the versions from previous seasons. Khedira is as solid defensively as ever, but where he used to be a swipe player, now, calmer and more confident on the ball, he’s looking to continue the game. He has also become noticeably more dangerous, against Gladbach he almost scored his first goal of the season, he was canceled because Sheraldo Becker deflected a shot by Khedira with his forearm.

Those in the know attribute the leap in performance to Union coach Fischer; he took a lot of time with Khedira for individual talks, showed him new ways, challenged and encouraged. “He pushes us to our limit every day and tries to improve every detail every day,” Khedira said of the coach on Sunday. “Sometimes it’s… annoying,” he admitted with a grin, “but you also allow it because you know he wants to make you better, can make you better, and actually makes you better in the end.” That is another reason why Khedira’s first point of contact during the winter break will be 1. FC Union when it comes to the question of where he will play in the future.

Because it is undisputed that he feels comfortable in Berlin and enjoys the atmosphere in the Alte Försterei, which had a lot to do with the win against Gladbach. The success was based on a “brutal willpower,” explained Khedira after a game that was a single crescendo: “It got more gripping and louder from the ranks from minute to minute, and more gripping and dominant from us,” said Khedira. But that doesn’t mean that in Koepenick the dream is proclaimed to do the same as the Foxes from Leicester. “We’re not starting to go crazy,” said coach Urs Fischer. “Our goal remains the 40-point mark, regardless of whether we have 26 points or not.”

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