Rammstein singer Lindemann rejects allegations of abuse

Status: 08.06.2023 4:55 p.m

Rammstein singer Lindemann has had his lawyers reject the allegations of sexual abuse made against him as “untrue”. Because of the allegations, they want to take legal action against “individuals”.

Rammstein singer Till Lindemann rejects the allegations against him. The 60-year-old now has his interests represented by a lawyer. This was announced by the Berlin lawyers Simon Bergmann and Christian Schertz.

“Serious allegations against our client were made by various women on social networks, especially on Instagram, Twitter and YouTube,” it says. “It has been repeatedly claimed that women at Rammstein concerts were drugged with knockout drops or alcohol to enable our client to perform sexual acts on them. These allegations are untrue without exception.”

The lawyers announced legal consequences. “We will take immediate legal action against individuals for any allegations of this nature.”

portrayal of sexual acts after show parties

Several women had made allegations against Rammstein frontman Lindemann in the past few days, some anonymously. The women described situations that they sometimes found frightening. According to the allegations, young women were selected during concerts and asked if they wanted to come to the after-show party. According to descriptions by some women, there were also sexual acts.

A few days ago, Rammstein said in a statement that the allegations hit her very hard and that she was taken extremely seriously. “We say to our fans: It is important to us that you feel comfortable and safe at our shows – in front of and behind the stage.”

The letter went on to say: “We condemn any kind of transgression and ask you: do not participate in public prejudice of any kind against those who have made allegations. They have a right to their point of view.” But the band also has a right – namely not to be prejudiced either.

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