rain, organization and acoustic problems, the concert had some hiccups

Twitter screenshot @Sonia_Bjm Beyonce in Marseille: deluge, organization and acoustic problems, the concert had some hiccups

Twitter screenshot @Sonia_Bjm

Beyonce in Marseille: deluge, organization and acoustic problems, the concert had some hiccups

CULTURE – They were waiting for their ” Queen B », some coming from the other side of the Atlantic to see it. This Sunday, June 11, Beyonce was in concert in Marseille at the Vélodrome stadium, to the delight of her fans. But between organizational problems, bad acoustics and bad weather, the show didn’t quite go as planned.

While some fans arrived at dawn to secure the best possible seat, the wait in the crowd hours before the concert turned into an ordeal. Especially for those who were waiting in the P6 car park, according to a journalist from 20 minutes present on the spot and which points to an organization chaotic “.

Due in particular to a large crowd movement while some believed in an early opening of the doors. “We got trampled. The goal is to go see Beyoncé’s concert, not to die.denounced a fan to 20 minutes. shitty organization “, A “ mess “, the critics fused in the crowd which waited under a blazing sun.

It was only after several minutes that security intervened with the help of a few police officers to restore order, notes the media.

A “ unsuitable technical choice »

If the expectation was made under an overwhelming heat, the weather unfortunately quickly turned since waterspouts began to fall from the start of the concert, delaying the show. The scene was indeed flooded and the technicians had to intervene to try to evacuate the water.

If for a few moments a doubt hovered over the holding of the concert, it finally took place and “ Queen B began his performance in the rain.

If most of the spectators were then able to fully enjoy the show of their idol, others were less lucky. Those placed at the top of the bleachers have indeed found that the acoustics of the Vélodrome stadium were really not optimal for the concert.

According to journalists present on the spot, only an indistinct hubbub was audible from the heights of the stadium, pushing many people to descend from the stands.

In a tweet, the journalist Philippe Boccara, who quotes the management of the stadium, evokes a ” unsuitable technical choice of production of the singer.

Sadly, the sound quality isn’t great. also tweeted France Blue Provence.

After Paris, this Marseille date was the last of the ” Renaissance Tower by Beyonce in France.

See also on The HuffPost:

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