Railway announcements on Twitter: “Bananas are not erotic toys”

Funny sayings on Twitter
The best train announcements in December: “Bananas are not erotic toys”

If you take the train, you can hear funny announcements from the staff every now and then

© Imago Images

Rail travelers don’t just have to worry about unpunctual trains. Customers can occasionally smile when the staff tries to cope with certain situations with humor – especially in times of Corona.

Marc Krüger has been collecting on his Twitter account for many years @BahnAnsagen the funniest sayings. Here we show the latest loudspeaker announcements that passengers picked up and noted down in December and November.

Happy New Years Wishes

Digital Detox in Advent

Service for mask refusers

Bananas as an erotic toy?

Compliments to all travelers


Absurdistan when traveling by train

For school beginners only

Caution 220 volts

Driver shortage

Clear text at the announcement

Off the mouse

Also read:

– Inexpensive train tickets: For 12.90 euros on the ICE across Germany

– 3G rule in passenger transport: what passengers need to know now

– Night trains instead of flights: How the corona crisis is accelerating the renaissance of the sleeping car


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